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Download Boardable's Desktop App

Learn how to download Boardable's Desktop App to your computer.

Written by Kara O'Neil
Updated over a week ago

To download the desktop app:

  1. Click Download to be taken to the download options (or scroll to the section)

  2. Click the option best suited for your device under Download Now

    1. Windows

    2. Linux

    3. Mac (X64)

      1. To determine which Mac, click the Apple icon in the top left corner, then click About This Mac - use X64 if Chip or Processor says "Intel"

    4. Mac (Arm64)

      1. To determine which Mac, click the Apple icon in the top left corner, then click About This Mac - use Arm64 if Chip or Processor says "M1" or "M2"

    Note: for additional details regarding each of these downloads, please refer to Related Articles.

  3. Once the Boardable app is downloaded and opened, proceed to log in with your Boardable account credentials

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