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View Documents

Learn about the types of files in the Document Center & how to view them, including those embedded from Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

Written by Jocelyn Gombos
Updated over 2 months ago


I. Identifying Type of File Upload

The small icon next to the file name in the Document Center will help identify how the file was uploaded.

To view the files and identify each type:

  1. Click Documents from Boardable's main menu panel

  2. Navigate to the desired folder

    1. If the image next to the file name has no symbol attached to the icon, it was uploaded from a computer

    2. If the image next to the file name has a small symbol, it is a linked file and the symbol will show where it was linked from; for example:

      1. Linked from Dropbox

      2. Linked from Google Drive

      3. Linked from OneDrive

II. Viewing Options Based on Upload

How a document can be viewed depends on how it was uploaded to the Document Center and the type of file it is.

Based on the type of Upload:

Uploaded from User's Device

Supported file types uploaded from a user's device are displayed as PDFs by the document center. For supported file types, please refer to Viewing Files Based on Filetypes.

To view a file in its original file type (instead of a PDF), download it from the document center to view on the device instead of the Boardable document viewer. To learn how to download files, please see Related Articles.

To view these documents:

  1. Navigate to the document center

  2. Click the name of a document

  3. To open a document contained by a folder:

    1. Click the name of the folder which contains the desired document

      1. All folder's contents are listed

    2. Click the name of the document


  1. Search for the title of the document (for more on Search, please refer to Related Articles)

  2. Click the document title in search results

    1. PDF view of document renders

      1. To learn how to download non-PDF files in their original formats, please refer to Related Articles

Uploaded from Google Drive or Dropbox

Note: changes made to embedded documents are effective within Google Docs/Google Drive.

These documents are embedded from the hosting service (Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive) into the Boardable interface.

To view an embedded document within the Boardable interface:

  1. Navigate to the document center

  2. Click the name of a document

  3. To open a document contained by a folder:

    1. Click the name of the folder which contains the desired document

      1. All folder's contents are listed

    2. Click the name of the document

  4. Search for the the document (for more on Search, please refer to Related Articles)

  5. Click the document title in search results

    1. All users with permission to edit the document within Google Drive, and to view the document within Boardable can edit text, delete text, and add new text

    2. Embedded documents are synchronized with their counterparts in Google Drive; changes made within the Boardable interface are effective across all views of the document

To view embedded document within the interface of its hosting service:

  1. Navigate to and open the embedded document

  2. Click View in Google Drive / View in OneDrive / View in Dropbox

Uploaded from OneDrive

PDF Previews are not supported for documents uploaded from OneDrive.

These must be viewed within OneDrive.

III. Viewing Files Based on File Type

PDF previews are supported for the following file types:

  • Apple Files

    • Includes Keynote (.key), Numbers (.numbers), Pages (.pages)

  • Image files

    • Includes .png and .jpeg files

  • Microsoft Files

    • Includes Excel (xls, xlsx), Powerpoint (ppt, pptx), Word (doc, docx)

  • PDFs

To view these files in their original formats, download them. To learn how to download, please refer to Related Articles.

PDF previews are not supported for comma separated (.csv) files.

Documents for which PDF previews are not supported display the message below in the preview pane when opened:

These files must be downloaded to view.

The document viewer does not preserve hyperlinks. To follow a hyperlink in a file, download the file.

The document viewer does not preserve text added to a fillable PDF form. All fillable fields are displayed as blank by the document viewer. To access text added to a fillable PDF form, download it from the platform to the device. The filled responses can be viewed in the copy downloaded to the device.

The document viewer does not preserve animations in Powerpoint presentations. To view a presentation with animations, download it to the device in its original file format.

Excel files with a large number of blank columns or rows can be distorted by the document viewer. For the best experience of this file type, delete unused columns and rows before uploading to Boardable.

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