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  3. Notifications and Notification History


Notifications: New Comments, Discussions, Polls, Tasks, and Meetings. Administrators, Group Owners, Group Administrators, and Collaborators.


I. Introduction to Notifications

II. In-App Notifications

III. Comment Notifications

IV. New Discussions

V. Meeting Invite and Update Notifications

VI. Task Notifications

I. Introductions to Notifications

The following notification types are supported:

  • In-app notifications

    • Can be viewed on the web app, desktop app, or mobile app

  • Email notifications

    • Received via email to the following addresses:

      • Login address

        • Receives all email notifications, including email meeting invite and update emails

      • Additional email address(es) for notifications as set in user settings

        • Receives all notifications other than meeting invite and update emails

II. In-App Notifications

To view in-app notifications:

  1. Log in to Boardable

  2. Click View notifications

    1. Badge notification appears in top right corner when there are unread notifications

    2. Notifications drop down, including the following information

      1. For comment notifications

        1. Name of commenter

        2. Title of meeting, discussion, poll, task, or document

        3. Date of comment

      2. For new discussions

        1. Name of user who started the discussion

        2. Discussion title

        3. Date discussion was started

      3. For meeting notifications

        1. Meeting title

        2. Date of recent or upcoming activity

      4. For task notifications

        1. Assigning user's name

        2. First 11 words of task description

        3. Date of assignment

    3. To open the content described by an in-app notification, click the notification from this drop down


The remainder of this document describes how to read and use email notifications.

III. Comment Notifications

For comments on discussions, meetings, polls, tasks, and documents, email notifications contain the following information:

  • Organization title

  • Name of commenter

  • Title of meeting, discussion, poll, task, or document

  • Complete text of comment

  • Button which opens the meeting, discussion, poll, task, or document


IV. New Discussions

New discussion email notifications contain the following information:

  • Organization title

  • Discussion title

  • Name of the user who started the discussion

  • Complete text of discussion description

  • Button which opens the discussion


V. Meeting Invite and Update Notifications

Meeting invite and update email notifications are sent only to the login address; they are not sent to any other address added within user settings.

Meeting invite and update email notifications are sent immediately, even if Email frequency is set to Periodically or Never within user settings.

To learn which information is included in Meeting Invite and Update Notifications, please refer to Related Articles.

VI. Task Notifications

Task assignment email notifications are sent to task assignees, and contain the following information:

  • Organization title

  • Name of user who assigned the task

  • Complete text of task description

  • Due date of task

  • Button which opens task


Task completion email notifications are sent to task creators when the assignee marks a task complete, and contain the following information:

  • Organization title

  • Name of the user who marked the task complete

  • Complete text of task description

  • Due date


Related Articles

  • User Settings: Learn about personal profile settings, options available (ie contact info, login, notifications, timezone) and how to connect a Zoom account

  • Calendar Event Notifications: Automatically send meeting invitations and changes as calendar events

  • Overview of Discussions: Learn the basics of having discussion in Boardable, along with sorting, filtering, and how to leave a discussion

  • Tasks for Members: Learn how to create tasks, delete tasks, view tasks, and complete tasks

  • Tasks for Administrators: Learn how to create tasks, delete tasks, view tasks, complete tasks, and about task lists

  • Meeting Reminders: Learn how to receive reminders for meetings.