I. Introduction
III. Use AI Assistant
I. Introduction
The Boardable AI assistant can provide information about a Boardable Video meeting from the meeting settings, and from the meeting’s audio so far.
This feature is only available to Professional accounts; it is not included with other service levels.
Enabling the AI assistant also enables AI-generated summaries and AI-generated minutes. Enabling one feature without the others is not supported.
AI can be enabled for all meetings, or for none. Selective use of AI is not supported.
Each meeting participant can view only their own prompts and the responses these generate.
In order for the assistant to be enabled, AI must be enabled in organization settings.
II. Enable AI Assistant
Only admins can enable AI.
To do so:
Click Settings on the leftmost menu
Click Transcription & AI at the top of the screen
Click the AI settings toggle to switch this On
III. Use AI Assistant
To use the AI Assistant:
Join a Boardable Video Meeting
Click the AI button from the content menu
Click into the text box labeled Ask a question...
Type a prompt
Click ↑
AI assistant generates a response to the prompt selected during step 4
Related Articles
Boardable Video Overview: learn about Boardable's video conferencing and the features available during a meeting.
Organization Settings: discover how Settings gives you access to Default features for: timezone, agenda list styles, agenda templates, and delete agenda template.