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Notifications — Send Messages and Updates

Learn how Collaborators can send messages to resend invitation, request RSVP, send updates, or share relevant meeting information.

Written by Jocelyn Gombos
Updated over a month ago


I. Send Message

Send Message / Email is supported for meeting creators, organization admins, and meeting collaborators only. To learn more about each meeting role, please see Related Articles.

This feature is only available for meetings whose invitations are sent, and up to date. To learn how to read a meeting's invitation status and send invites if this is not yet done, please see Related Articles.

To send a message:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Email

    1. If this option does not appear, this means the meeting's invites are not yet sent or are not up to date

  3. The Email Attendees pop-up window is displayed

    1. The Email Subject defaults to the name of the meeting, but can be changed or added to as appropriate

    2. The option to Include meeting info can be unchecked if desired

    3. Click on the box next to Attach agenda as PDF if applicable (this option only appears if an agenda exists)

    4. Use the Message box to write the message

      1. The toolbar at the top of the Message box can be used for formatting (including headers under Paragraph) and inserting links

    5. The options under Send to may change depending on meeting circumstances

      1. Select the appropriate Option

        1. As each option is selected, the names listed beneath this is also updated; these are the message's recipients

    6. If individuals are not listed, it may be that the user was removed. Select Everyone to repopulate all invited users

    7. Click Send

II. Re-send Meeting Invite

Note: Re-send Meeting Invite is supported for meeting creators, organization admins, and meeting collaborators only. To learn more about each meeting role, please see Related Articles.

The Re-send Meeting Invite option in the drop down of the right menu navigation bar of a meeting page is not visible until the meeting has been published (calendar or fully).

The Re-send Meeting Invite modal pops up on its own in certain situations. However, it can also be selected at anytime in order to re-send invitations with the most updated information. Unlike Send Message, there is no area to type a message, this is simply to send meeting notifications.

To send an update or meeting notification:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

  2. Click the More icon (three vertical dots) in top right menu navigation bar to populate drop down menu of options

  3. Select Re-send Meeting Invite

  4. The Re-send Meeting Invite modal pops up

    1. Click Send

      1. All invitees receive a new copy of the meeting invite

III. Request RSVP

There are two ways to request an RSVP, via Send Message or Re-send Meeting Invite. Send a message if it makes sense to write a note along with the request, otherwise send an update notification.

Regardless of which method is selected, select Yet to RSVP before sending.

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