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Create a Meeting with Scheduling Poll
Create a Meeting with Scheduling Poll

Create a meeting by sending out date and time options to the invited members, collect availability, and determine the best meeting option.

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over a week ago


I. Introduction

Scheduling polls let meeting creators collect availability from invited admins, members, and observers, and finalize a date based on responses.

Only single-date meetings can use a scheduling poll. This feature is not supported for multi-date meetings, or recurring meeting series.

Creating a meeting with a scheduling poll does not automatically send this scheduling poll to invitees. To do so, it's necessary to complete the steps in section IV.

Invites for meetings which use the scheduling poll can only be sent when a final date is selected from poll options as described in section V.

II. Open New Meeting Form

There are a few ways to start a new meeting:

From Dashboard

Meetings can be started from the dashboard by admins and members. Observers cannot start meetings from the dashboard.

To start a meeting from the dashboard, click + next to Meetings in the center of the page. This opens the New meeting form.

From Meetings

Meetings can be started from the meetings directory by admins and members. Observers cannot start meetings from this area.

To start a meeting from the meetings directory:

  1. Click Meetings on the main menu panel at the left side of the screen

  2. Click + Add Meeting

    1. New Meeting form opens

From Group Page

Meetings can be started from the group page by admins, members, and observers who are group admins or group owners.

All group members are automatically invited to a meeting started from the group's page.

To learn more about group events, please see Related Articles.

To start a meeting from a group page:

  1. Click Groups on the main menu panel at the left side of the screen

  2. Click the title of the desired group, opening its group page

  3. Click + next to Meetings in the center of the page

    1. New meeting form opens

III. Create Meeting with Scheduling Poll

To create a meeting which uses the scheduling poll, complete the New Meeting form, including the fields listed below.

Click Next between fields to open the following field and collapse the previous field.

To edit a previously completed field, click its heading; its subfields expand.

  • Meeting Details

    • Title

    • Description

    • Meeting owner

    • Easy Access Dashboard

      • To learn more about Easy Access Dashboard, please see Related Articles

      • Easy Access dashboard can only be enabled during meeting creation; it cannot be added afterwards

  • Date and Time

    • Meeting type

      • Defaults to Single-date

    • Scheduling poll

      • Click toggle to turn this feature On

    • Timezone

      • Defaults to the timezone selected in the user's settings; to change, click this subfield, dropping down options, then click desired option

      • To learn more about timezones in Boardable, please see Related Articles

    • Date (required)

      • Click into text box; date picker expands

      • Click desired date from date picker for all options

        • By default, new meeting form with scheduling poll enabled includes two dates options; to add another, click Add Option

    • Start time (required)

      • Click subfield; times drop down, in increments of 15 minutes

      • Click desired start time for all date options

    • End time (required)

      • Click subfield; times drop down, in incrememts of 15 minutes

      • Click desired end time for all date options

  • Location and Video

    • Location

    • Video; defaults to Boardable Video

      • To use Zoom integration, click Other video

      • To use a custom video conferencing option at a self-provided URL:

        • Click Other video

        • Click field beneath Third Party Video Service to drop down options

        • Click Other from this drop down

        • List the external video conferencing URL in the text box beneath this

      • To remove video conferencing from the meeting, click No video

  • Invitees

    • Add Boardable admins, observers, and members to meeting

    • To add all members of group

      • Click desired group title beneath Quick Add or

      • Type group title in Search groups and people text box

      • Click group title from the menu beneath this

    • To add individuals, type their display name in Search groups and people, then click their name from the menu beneath this

  • Guests

    • Add people who do not have Boardable accounts to the meeting; to learn more about guests, please see Related Articles

      • To add a guest recently invited to another meeting, click their email address from the Recently added list

      • To add a guest with no recent invite history:

        • Type guest's email address in the Enter email address text box

        • Click Add guest

When the form is complete, click Finish, then Create Meeting. This creates the meeting, and does not send invitations.

To learn how to send invites, please see Related Articles.

IV. Send Scheduling Poll

Scheduling polls can only be sent to admins, members, and observers invited to the meeting. These polls cannot be sent to guests (non-Boardable users invited to a meeting).

Scheduling poll emails contain the following:

  • Organization name

  • Meeting title

  • The text "please review the dates below and respond with your availability."

  • Custom message text, if any added during step 2iii below

  • Meeting date and time options selected by meeting creator as described in Section III

  • View Meeting button which opens Boardable Meeting page

To send a scheduling poll:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Send Scheduling Poll

    1. Email attendees menu pops out

  3. Complete the Email attendees menu

    1. Subject line defaults to the meeting's title

    2. Recipient line defaults to all invitees

      • To customize recipient list:

        • Click X next to unwanted recipient, removing them from list or

        • Select collaborators to filter list by meeting collaborators (see Related Articles to learn about collaborator role) or by members (see Related Articles to learn about member role)

    3. Add custom message text (optional)

  4. Click Send

    1. Invitees receive a scheduling poll email

V. Complete Scheduling Poll (Members & Observers)

Members and observers can only access scheduling polls by opening the link contained by their scheduling poll emails.

To complete or a scheduling poll, or edit a scheduling poll response:

  1. Navigate to meeting page via the scheduling poll email's View Meeting button

  2. Click the desired date(s) from those listed beneath Meeting Options to fill in their checkboxes

    1. Empty the checkboxes next to any undesired options

  3. Click Save

    1. Availability is submitted to meeting creator

VI. Complete Scheduling Poll (Admins)

Admins can only access scheduling polls via the member meeting page.

To do so:

  1. Navigate to a meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click More Actions (the button showing three dots at the top right side of the meeting page)

  3. Click Member Meeting Page

    1. Member / Observer view of meeting page opens

  4. Click the desired date(s) from those listed beneath Meeting Options to fill in their checkboxes

    1. Empty the checkboxes next to any undesired options

  5. Click Save

    1. Availability is submitted to meeting creator

VII. Select Final Date

A final date for an unscheduled meeting can be selected by the following users:

  • Organization admins

  • The meeting's creator

  • The meeting's owner

Meeting collaborators who are members or observers cannot select a final date

When all invited admins, members, and observers have submitted their availability, the meeting creator is notified via email:

To make one of these options the final selection:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click View Scheduler Responses

  3. Click Select next to the final desired date

    1. To choose another date not previously proposed to invitees:

      1. Type desired date and time beneath Choose a different date

      2. Click Select next to this option

    2. Selected date is shown at bottom of pop-out window

  4. To add an event for this meeting to invitees' calendars, fill the checkbox next to Notify meeting members of selected date?

  5. Click Select chosen date

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