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Change Subscription Plan

Learn how to change or upgrade your subscription plan.

Written by Jocelyn Gombos
Updated over 7 months ago


I. Understanding Current Subscription Plan

Basic information about the organization's current subscription with Boardable is displayed on the Subscription Dashboard in the section titled Your Plan (upper left).

To access the Subscription Dashboard, click Subscription from the main menu panel.

The Your Plan section contains the following information:

  • Current subscription plan along with the frequency of payment

  • Change Plan button that can be used to upgrade the current plan

II. Viewing the Subscription Page

To view the Subscription Page, follow these steps:

  1. Click Subscription from the main menu panel

    1. Subscription Dashboard opens

  2. Click the Change Plan button

    1. Subscription page opens

The Subscription Page contains the following:

  • Toggle button to switch between monthly and annual pricing views

  • List of available plans

  • Options to upgrade plan plan, or change the number of users in the current plan

    • Current plan indicated by banner

    • Choose plan button shown beneath available upgrades

    • For plans which are unavailable due to organization's current usage, the reason it's unavailable is listed beneath unavailable Choose Plan button

III. Change Current Plan

Note: if your organization has grandfathered pricing, the monthly / annual price displayed for the current plan may not match the organization's current pricing - if a new plan is chosen, pricing is what is displayed.

To choose a new plan, follow these steps:

  1. Click Subscription from the main menu panel to view the Subscription Dashboard

  2. Click the Change Plan button

  3. The Subscription Page is displayed; note which plan is the Current Plan and Selected (this may not apply if using a free trial)

  4. Click Choose Plan under another desired plan

  5. A window pops up noting the plan selected and any additional users, along with the new pricing and amount due immediately

    1. Click the Apply coupon button to enter coupon information if one is provided

    2. Click Proceed To Checkout

  6. Verify / enter additional information as screens pop-up and click Next

  7. On the final screen, verify that everything looks accurate

    1. Click Edit next to a section if updates are needed

    2. Click the Apply coupon button to enter coupon information if one is provided or if it was not entered on the previous screen

    3. Click the box to agree to terms of service and privacy policy after reading them

    4. Click the Pay & Subscribe button

  8. The organization's new plan is updated and the Account Holder is notified by email

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