Notifications History has been created to provide more visibility into notifications that are sent out through Boardable
[Note]: Organization Notifications is a feature of our Professional & Enterprise Plans and can only be viewed by account Administrators.
Keep a record of all notifications that have been sent to your board for meetings, discussions, polls, tasks, comments, messages, broadcast announcements. Search for batches of notifications and become familiar with your member’s notification settings.
Go to Notifications History
Select Organization Notifications at the top of page
Similar to the My Notifications History, you can search for notifications in the search bar.
All notifications will appear only once as a clickable icon. Clicking the icon will open a pop up with more information on the notification and display all users who were sent the event. Each users name will have an icon next to it displaying the delivery status of the notification.
The green checkmark indicates that the notification was sent immediately.
The blue check mark indicates that the message was not yet sent. Hover over that icon with the cursor to display a message detailing why notification is not yet delivered.
A gray clock icon indicates the message is in the process of sending. Refresh the page or come back to check again later to see the notifications status.
The red exclamation points indicates that there is an issue with the user's notification email address and that the notification was not sent.