iv. From Dropbox
II. Create Folders
IV. View Documents
I. Upload Documents
Note: Documents hosted on a group page are visible to the following users:
All admins
Members added to the group
Observers added to the group
The documents section of a group's Group Page is where important documents, specific to this group, can be uploaded for easy access to the entire group. There are five ways a document can be selected for upload:
User's computer
Document Center (within Boardable)
Google Drive
The first step in uploading documents to a group page is to access the group's Group Page:
Access the group's Group Page by clicking Groups from the left main navigation menu and then selecting the desired group
Once on the group page, click Documents from the top navigation menu
To add a new document, click the + New button to open a menu with the document upload options
i. From User's Computer
Navigate to a group page
Click Documents from the top navigation menu
Click +New
Click Upload a file from the + New button menu
The file directory pop-up window will appear (Finder, File Explorer, Launcher, etc. depending on operating system)
Navigate to the appropriate directory
Double click the desired file to add it to the group page or select multiple files and click the Open, Select or Choose button (depending on operating system)
To select multiple files that are sequential, click the first file, hold the shift button and then click the last file
To select multiple files out of order, click a file, hold down the Ctrl (PC) or cmd (Mac) button and continue to hold until all desired files are selected
ii. From the Document Center
Navigate to a group page
Click Documents from the top navigation menu
Click +New
Click Boardable from the + New button menu
The Attach a file pop-up will appear
Click on a folder to open its contents, or scroll down to find an individual document
Click on the desired document
Click Select to add the file(s) to the group page
iii. From Google Drive
Navigate to a group page
Click Documents from the top navigation menu
Click +New
Click Google Drive from the + New button menu
Select between Copy File and Create a live document
To learn about each option, please see Related Articles
Complete OneDrive login and permissions menu if prompted
OneDrive / Sharepoint file directory opens
Hover over the desired file; circle displays
Click this circle to fill it with a checkmark and select it
Repeat steps 6-7 until all desired files are selected
Click Select
iv. From Dropbox
Navigate to a group page
Click Documents from the top navigation menu
Click +New
Click Dropbox from the + New button menu
The Dropbox pop-up window will appear
After signing in (if necessary), navigate to the appropriate folder and files
Click in the box next to the desired file name or files to add a checkmark
To select all files within a folder, click the folder to view the contents, then click in the box at the top next to the folder name
When viewing a folder, click the minus sign at the top next to the folder name to deselect any files already selected (or click to uncheck the checkmark if all were chosen)
Once a file is checked, the Choose button will be available
Click Choose to add the file(s) to the group page
v. From OneDrive
Navigate to a group page
Click Documents from the top navigation menu
Click +New
Click OneDrive from the + New button menu
The OneDrive pop-up window will appear
After signing in (if necessary), click Yes to allow Boardable access to the files (if asked - otherwise files cannot be selected)
If concerned, these permissions can be revoked after files have been added by doing the following:
Enter the following address in a browser:
Click Edit under Boardable
Click Remove these permissions
The files added to Boardable will still be available in Boardable
Navigate to the appropriate folder and file(s)
Hover over the file and click the circle that appears in order to add a checkmark next to the file
Continue adding checkmarks until all files are selected
To select all files within a folder, click the circle that appears when hovered over the folder name (only available in list view); click the checkmark to deselect
Once file(s) are selected, the Open button will be available
Click Open
II. Create Group Folders
Note: whole folders cannot be moved from the Document Center to a group page; group page folders must be created.
To make a folder on a group page:
Navigate to a group page
Click Documents from the top navigation menu
Click +New
Click New Folder
New folder menu pops up
Type desired title and description
Click Save
A folder with the title selected during step 5 is added to the group page's Documents tab.
To create a folder within a group page folder:
Navigate to a group page
Click Documents from the top navigation menu
Click the title of the folder to open it
Click +New
Click New Folder
New folder menu pops up
Type desired title and description
Click Save
III. Add Documents to Group Folders
To add a file to a folder in a group page:
Navigate to a group page
Click Documents from the top navigation menu
Click the title of the folder to open it
Click +New
Continue as described in From user's computer, From the Document Center, From Google Drive, From DropBox, or From OneDrive.
IV. View Documents
To view documents from the group page:
Access the group's Group Page by clicking Groups from the left main navigation menu and then selecting the desired group
Once on the group page, scroll to the Documents section
Click on the document name to open the document
Related Articles
Documents - Delete from Group Page: learn how to remove documents from the group's page
Groups: learn about Boardable groups
Group Roles and Permissions: learn about the different types of Group Roles and the permissions associated with them
Overview of the Group Page: learn how to view a group's page, understand activity, and view important information
Document Storage Integrations & Boardable: Learn the best use cases for Boardable's integrations with Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox.