Learn how to find move, and download files, plus general use of Boardable's Document Center.
I. Document Center Basics
II. Access by Boardable Role
III. Search the Document Center
IV. Sorting Files and Folders
V. Troubleshooting
I. Document Center Basics
Please find below a video tutorial on the Document Center.
The Document Center hosts all the files needed for the board in one place for easy reference and record keeping. It offers the simplicity of organizing and distributing documents without digging through multiple locations on shared drives and email attachments.
To access the Document Center, click Documents from Boardable's main menu panel.
The document center has the following features:
Organize files with folders
Mark files as favorites
Limit visibility with folder security
Upload files
From computer
Apple files, Image files, Microsoft files, CSV files, PDFs
Link to Dropbox, Google Drive, or One Drive
Download files and folders
Get documents signed with E-signature
Note: maximum upload file size is 250 MB per file
Please review Related Articles for more detailed instructions on these features.
The area at the top of the page will always display the folder structure. If in a folder that is nested by other folders, use this to navigate back to another folder.
II. Access by Boardable Role
Access and abilities within the Document Center by role include:
Organization Admin (Administrator)
Access to all files regardless of visibility settings
Ability to upload, edit, move, and delete any documents within the Organization
Ability to limit visibility to folders
Prepare and send documents for E-signature
Access to all folders and files where visibility is not limited to exclude them
Ability to upload files / create folders
Ability to move or delete files uploaded by them
Ability to limit visibility on their own folders (Organization Admins can still access)
No access to the Document Center
Files attached to groups or meetings, they are involved with, can be viewed through the associated page
III. Search the Document Center
To search for a document:
Search is always available in the profile panel at the top of the page
Type a part of the name and press Enter or Return on the keyboard
Results will display on the Search page
To narrow the search results, click documents under the search bar
IV. Sorting Files and Folders
Files and Folders can be sorted by Default, Name (A-Z), Name (Z-A), Newest to Oldest, or Oldest to Newest.
To sort files:
Click Sort By
The options menu drops down
Click the desired sorting option
V. Troubleshooting
If a user cannot open the Document Center, and does not see a Documents option on the leftmost menu, this means their role is Observer.
The Document Center is not included in this role’s access. To let them open the Document Center, an admin must promote them to Member.
Related Articles
Edit / Move / Delete Files: learn how to edit, move, or delete files in Boardable's Document Center
Folders and Visibility in the Document Center: learn about setting up folders, nesting folders, and limiting access to folders in Boardable's Document Center
Mark Favorites in the Document Center: learn how to star your favorite documents and view them all in one place
View Documents: learn about the different kinds of documents in Boardable's Document Center and how to view them
Upload Documents to Document Center: learn how to upload various types of documents to Boardable's Document Center, and how the method determines access options
E-Signatures — Prepare and Send Documents: learn how to prepare and send signable documents with e-signatures
Document Audit Log: learn which document actions are logged and how to view them.
Document Center: Download Files & Folders: learn how to download documents from the Document Center, one at a time, or in bulk
How to Disable Document Downloads: learn how to prevent document downloads