Folders — Create, Edit, & Lock

Learn about setting up folders, nesting folders, and limiting access to folders in Boardable's Document Center.


I. Create Folders

II. Limit Visibility

III. Edit Folders

IV. Move Folders

V. Delete Folders

I. Create Folders

Folders can be created at the main page level, or within other folders. Folders within folders are known as nested folders.

To create a folder in the Document Center:

  1. Navigate to the area within the Document Center where you want the folder added

  2. Click New

    1. Options drop down

  3. Click New Folder

    Folders — Create, Edit, & Lock
    1. New Folder Menu pops out

  4. Click into the text box labeled Name and type a name for the folder

  5. Click into the text box labeled Description to type a description (optional); the following text formatting options are supported:

    1. Bold

    2. Italics

    3. Bullet points

    4. Numbered list

    5. Link

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  6. Click Save

II. Limit Visibility

Folders added to the Document Center are available to all Organization Admins and Members by default. However, limitations can be added to folders to restrict access to certain Members. This allows Members to only focus on the documentation applicable to their role on the board.

Note: nested folders inherit the visibility of the parent folder's limitations.

To limit visibility of a folder in the Document Center:

  1. Create a new folder or edit an existing folder

  2. Click Limited beneath Visibilty setting

    1. Bubble next to Limited fills in

    2. Group names drop down

    3. Click a group name in this list to grant it access to the folder

      1. Checkbox next to group name fills in

    4. Click group name again to prevent access

      1. Checkbox next to group name empties

  3. Click Save

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  4. Folders with limited visibility will have a red padlock next to the ellipsis menu

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III. Edit Folders

To edit the description, name, or visibility of a folder:

  1. Navigate to the Document Center

  2. Click on the three dots next to the folder name

    1. Options drop down

  3. Click Edit

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  4. The Edit Folder menu pops out

  5. To edit the folder name:

    1. Click into the text box labeled Name

    2. Delete or type desired changes

    3. Click Save

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  6. To edit the description:

    1. Click into the text box labeled Description

    2. Delete or type desired changes

      1. The following formatting options are supported:

        1. Bold

        2. Italics

        3. Bullet points

        4. Numbered listing

        5. Links

    3. Click Save

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IV. Move Folders

Note: only Organization Admins can move folders.

To move a folder:

  1. Navigate to the Document Center

  2. Click on the three dots next to the folder name

  3. Click Move

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  4. The Move Folder menu pops out

    1. To nest folder within another folder:

      1. Click the title of the desired parent folder

        1. Text at bottom of the Move Folder menu (shown in image below with a red arrow) displays selected location

      2. Click Move

    2. To move a nested folder out of its parent folder and into the Document Center home:

      1. Click Home

        1. Text at bottom of the Move Folder menu (shown in image below with a red box) displays selected location

      2. Click Move

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V. Delete Folders

Note: this cannot be undone.

To delete a folder in the Document Center:

  1. Navigate to the folder to delete

  2. Click the three dots next to a folder name

    1. Options drop down

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  3. Click Delete

    1. Confirmation window pops out

  4. Click OK

    1. Note: everything within that folder (all sub-folders and documents) will be deleted

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