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Annotations: Edit / Delete Comments
Annotations: Edit / Delete Comments

Learn how to delete and edit comments as well as status of comments.

Written by Jocelyn Gombos
Updated over a week ago


I. Edit Comments

Note: any user can edit their own comments; only Organization Admins can edit comments of other users.

To edit comments:

  1. Click on comment icon in document

    1. Comment sidebar displays to the right of document

  2. Click ... to view the drop-down menu

  3. Click Edit

  4. Click into comment text box to type or delete desired changes

    1. Unposted comment warning (shown in image below with red arrow) appears

  5. Click Save

II. Edit Comment Status

Important notes regarding comment status edits:

  • Only Organization Admins can delete comment status of other users

  • Any user can delete the status of their own comments.

To change Comment Status:

  1. Click current status icon (shown in image below with red arrow)

    1. The following options drop down:

      1. Accepted

      2. Rejected

      3. Canceled

      4. Completed

      5. None

      6. Marked

      7. Unmarked

  2. Click desired status

    1. Status icon changes

    2. Status is noted in comment replies

III. Delete Comments

Note: any user can delete their own comments; only Organization Admins can delete comments of other users.

To delete a comment:

  1. Click on comment icon in document

    1. Comment sidebar displays to the right of document

  2. Click ... to view the drop-down menu

  3. Click Delete

IV. Delete Comment Status

Note: any user can delete their own comment status; only Organization Admins can delete comment status of other users.

To delete comment status:

  1. Click on comment icon in document

    1. Sidebar with comment displays

  2. Click three dots next to the name of the person that set the status

    1. The image below shows that Sonja Hall set a status of "Accepted"

    2. Options drop down

    3. Click Delete

  3. Comment status notation is deleted and the Status reverts to previous state (or none if there are no other statuses in history)

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