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Learn how to search in Boardable

Written by Jocelyn Gombos
Updated over a week ago


I Introduction to Search

Note: "0 results" may temporarily display until a search is complete; please allow the page to load in order to view search results

Search is available on every page of the platform.

To complete a search:

  1. Log in to Boardable

  2. Click into the search bar at the top left side of the platform

  3. Type characters matching the title or contents of an item listed in II Search Options.

  4. Press enter or return on the keyboard

    1. The results list all items whose titles or contents match the string of characters selected during step 3

    2. To narrow results by category, click the desired category from the menu beneath the search bar

    3. To view

II Search Options

Boardable's search can return results of the following:

  • Documents

    • Search matches on title, description, and content of the document

  • Meetings

    • Search matches on title and description

  • Minutes

    • Search matches on meeting title and Minutes content

  • Agendas

    • Search matches on meeting title and Agenda content

  • Tasks

    • Search matches on Task title and description

  • Discussions

    • Search matches on discussion title, description, and content of all discussion comments

  • People

    • Search matches on names and login addresses

  • Polls

    • Search matches on Poll title and description

  • Help articles

    • Search matches on Help article title and description

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