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Document Audit Log

Learn which document actions are logged and how to view them.

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over a week ago


I. Introduction to Document Audit Log

Document Audit Logs are available only to organizations using the Professional or Enterprise plans. This feature is not included with the Essentials plan.

Document Audit Logs are visible to all users with access to a document.

The following document actions are logged every five minutes:

  • Views

  • Downloads

  • Edits to title

  • Comments

  • Moves (for example, from one folder to another)

This log includes the details below:

  • Display name of user who downloaded, viewed, edited, or commented on file

  • Profile picture of user who downloaded, viewed, edited, or commented on file

  • Date of action

  • Time of action

The following folder actions are logged every five minutes:

  • Opens

  • Downloads

  • Edits to folder info

This log includes the details below:

  • Display name of user who opened, downloaded, or edited the folder

  • Profile picture of user who opened, downloaded, or edited the folder

  • Date of action

  • Time of action

For both folder and audit logs, available history begins in September of 2023. Document and folder actions before this time are not included, and cannot be retrieved.

Logs are available for the following files:

  • Document Center files

  • Meeting page files

  • Agenda attachments

  • Files attached to comments in discussions or elsewhere on the platform

  • Files attached to polls

  • Files attached to tasks

Logs are not available for agendas or board packets.

II. View & Download Document Audit Log

The document log can be viewed from the following locations:

To view log from the Document Center:

  1. Click Documents on Boardable's main menu panel

  2. Click title of desired document

    1. Boardable PDF view opens

  3. Click File Info

    1. Document Info panel opens

  4. Log is available beneath file title

    1. To download log, click Download report

      1. CSV file containing details listed at top of this article is downloaded to device

To view log from meeting page

  1. Navigate to the desired meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related articles

  2. Click Documents tab

    1. If file is attached to agenda, click Agenda documents to find it

  3. Click title of desired document

    1. Boardable PDF view opens

  4. Click File info

    1. Document Info panel opens

  5. Log is available beneath file title

    1. To download log, click Download report

      1. CSV file containing details listed at top of this article is downloaded to device

To view log from group page

  1. Navigate to desired group page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Documents tab

  3. Click title of desired document

    1. Boardable PDF view opens

  4. Click File Info

    1. Document Info panel opens

  5. Log is available beneath file title

    1. To download log, click Download report

      1. CSV file containing details listed at top of this article is downloaded to device

III. View & Download Folder Audit Log

Note: folder audit logs are visible to all users with access to a folder.

Audit logs for folders can be viewed from the following locations:

  • Document center

  • Meeting page

  • Group page

From Document center:

  1. Click Documents on Boardable's main menu panel

  2. Click title of desired folder

    1. Folder opens

  3. Click Folder Info

    1. Folder info panel opens

  4. Log is available beneath file title

    1. To download log, click Download report

      1. CSV file containing details listed at top of this article is downloaded to device

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