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Polls — View, Edit, Delete, & Comment
Polls — View, Edit, Delete, & Comment

Learn how to view, edit, delete, and comment on existing polls

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over a week ago


I. View Polls

Polls can be viewed in the following locations:

All users can view published polls assigned to them, including the following information:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Publication status

  • Open / closed status

    1. Open polls are polls whose due dates have not yet passed

    2. Closed polls are polls whose due dates have passed

  • Answers / options

  • Votes for each option

    • For anonymous polls, only the number of users who have voted for each option is listed, and not the names of any voters

    • For polls which are not anonymous, all participants (including members and observers) can view the names of other voting users, alongside their votes

  • Assigned users (participants)

  • Comment field

Visibility of unpublished polls, and any poll assigned to other users depends on the account role, meeting role, and group role of the viewer. For more on this, please see Related Articles.

View Polls from Dashboard

To view polls from the home dashboard:

  1. Click Home from the main menu

  2. Scroll down to the Polls panel

    1. Recent polls assigned to the viewer are listed in this section

    2. To view all polls there's access to:

      1. Click View All

      2. Click desired list of polls:

        1. To view open, published polls, keep the default Open tab selected

        2. To view a list of unpublished polls, click the Unpublished tab

        3. To view a list of closed polls, click the Closed tab

  3. Click the desired poll title

View Polls From Polls Page

To view polls from the main menu:

  1. Click Polls from the main menu

    1. All polls in the organization, including polls created from group and meeting pages, are available on the page this opens

  2. Click desired list of polls:

    1. To view open, published polls, keep the default Open tab selected

    2. To view a list of unpublished polls, click the Unpublished tab

    3. To view a list of closed polls, click the Closed tab

  3. Click the desired poll title

View Polls From a Meeting Page

To view polls via a meeting page:

  1. Navigate to the desired meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click the Tasks & Polls tab

    1. All polls created from the meeting page, including closed and unpublished polls, are listed beneath Polls

  3. Click the desired poll title

View Polls From Group Page

  1. Navigate to the desired Group page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click the Tasks & Polls tab

    1. All polls created from the group page, including closed and unpublished polls, are listed beneath Polls

  3. Click the desired poll title

II. Edit a Poll


  • If any members have already voted, only the due date can be updated.

  • Polls created via the main menu can be edited by the following users

    • Organization admins

    • The poll's creator

  • Polls created via a group page can be edited by the following users:

    • Organization admins

    • The poll's creator

    • The group's admins

  • Polls created via a meeting page can be edited by the following users:

    • Organization admins

    • The poll's creator

    • The meeting's creator

    • The meeting's collaborators

To edit a poll:

  1. Open the poll page as described in section I

  2. Click the Edit button

    1. Edit Poll menu opens

  3. Make desired changes to poll

    1. If no participants have yet voted, this can include:

      1. Title

      2. Description

      3. Answers / Options

      4. Option to allow write-in responses

      5. Choice of one or multiple answers

      6. File attachments, if any

      7. Due date

      8. Option to verify user identity

      9. Option to keep votes anonymous

      10. Option to let participants update their responses

      11. Option to notify when all participant votes are complete

    2. If any participants have already voted, only the due date can be edited

  4. Click Save

III. Delete a Poll


  • Polls created via the main menu can be deleted by the following users

    • Organization admins

    • The poll's creator

  • Polls created via a group page can be deleted by the following users:

    • Organization admins

    • The poll's creator

    • The group's admins

  • Polls created via a meeting page can be deleted by the following users:

    • Organization admins

    • The poll's creator

    • The meeting's creator

    • The meeting's collaborators

To delete a poll:

  1. Open the poll page as described in section I

  2. Click the Edit button

    1. Edit Poll menu opens

  3. Click Delete Poll

    1. Are you sure? modal pops out

  4. Click OK

  1. To publish this new poll, and allow participants to view and submit notes:

    1. Click Publish Poll

      1. Participants are notified

IV. Comment on a Poll

To add a comment to a poll:

  1. Open the poll page as described in section I

  2. Scroll down to the Comments section

  3. Click into the text box labeled Leave a Comment

  4. Type the desired text

    1. The following options are supported:

      1. Bold

      2. Italics

      3. Numbered list

      4. Bulleted list

      5. Emojis

      6. File attachments

      7. Notifications

        • When enabled, all users assigned to poll are notified

  5. Click Save

    1. Comment is added to Comments section

    2. If enabled, notifications are sent

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