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Custom Data Fields — Create & Edit

Learn how to add a field to the settings of all users in an organization for any data wanted, and how to edit or deactivate this field

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over a week ago


I. Introduction

Custom data fields can be created in organization settings, and can be completed in each user's settings. To learn how users can complete these fields, please see Related Articles.

Only admins can add, edit, or deactivate custom data fields. Custom data fields are supported on our Professional and Enterprise service levels only.

Once a custom data field is added, it can only be edited or deactivated. It cannot be deleted.

A report on custom data fields can be generated from the People directory. To learn more about this, please see Related Articles.

II. View Organization's Custom Data Fields

To view all custom data fields added for an organization:

  1. Log in as an admin

  2. Click Settings in the main navigation menu

  3. Click Additional Member Info

    1. All custom data fields are listed beneath this; each entry includes the following details

      1. Title

      2. Description

      3. Answer type

      4. Status, from:

        • Active

        • Inactive

        • Expired

    2. By default, even inactive questions are included

      1. To hide inactive questions, enable Hide inactive questions

III. How to Add Custom Data Fields

To add a custom data field:

  1. Log in as an admin

  2. Click Settings in the main navigation menu

  3. Click Custom Data Collection

  4. Click + Add field

    1. Custom Data Field menu expands

  5. Complete the Custom Data Field menu

    1. Title

      1. The information to be collected

    2. Description (optional)

      1. More detail about this information

    3. Type of answer

      1. The supported options are:

        • Short text

        • Dollar amount

        • Yes/no

        • Date

    4. Does this information expire?

      1. This option can be used to mark a custom data field response expired, and not to deactivate it; to learn how to deactivate custom data fields, please see section IV

      2. If enabled, each person's data submission for the selected field can expire

    5. Allow attaching supporting documents to this item?

      1. If enabled, files can be attached to this field for each user in their setting

      2. If disabled, no files can be attached to this field

    6. Visible to members?

      1. If enabled, the custom field is visible to all members, observers, and admins via profile pages; additionally, the following users can see this field in their own settings

        • Members

        • Observers

        • The admin who adds this field

      2. If disabled, only admins can view this field in other users' settings; the admin who adds this field cannot view or complete it in their own user settings

  6. Click Save

    1. The new data field is added, and can be completed for each person in their user settings

      1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

IV. How to Edit Custom Data Fields

To edit an existing Custom Data Field:

  1. Log in as an admin

  2. Click Settings in the main navigation menu

  3. Click Custom Data Collection

  4. Click Edit next to desired custom data field

    1. Edit fields in Custom Data Field menu as described in section II

    2. A new option displays in the Custom Data Field menu: Should this question be active?

      1. By default, this option is disabled during each edit; enable this to keep the question active

  5. Click Save

V. How To Deactivate Custom Data Field

  1. Log in as an admin

  2. Click Settings in the main navigation menu

  3. Click Custom Data Collection

  4. Click Edit next to desired custom data field

    1. A new option displays in the Custom Data Field menu: Active

  5. Disable Active

  6. Click Save

    1. The custom data field selected during step 4 is deactivated

Related Articles

  • Complete Custom Data Fields: Learn how to fill out custom data fields for individual users

  • Custom Data Report: Learn how to view a report containing the text, dollar amount, or date in each user's custom data field.

  • Custom Data Collection Best Practices: Learn how to get the best possible experience of Custom Data Collection

  • User Settings: Learn about personal profile settings, options available (ie contact info, login, notifications, timezone) and how to connect a Zoom account

  • Edit Boardable User: Learn how to edit user information as an Administrator and what information the Administrator edits versus the user

  • Organization Settings: Discover how Settings gives you access to Default features for: timezone, agenda list styles, agenda templates, and delete agenda template

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