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Custom Data Collection Best Practices

Learn how to get the best possible experience of Custom Data Collection

Jenni Burton avatar
Written by Jenni Burton
Updated over a week ago


I. Introduction to Custom Data Collection

Custom Data Collection offers unparalleled control and flexibility in gathering data tailored to your organization's specific requirements. This feature allows you to collect, report, and analyze information, metrics, and performance indicators crucial to your strategic goals.

Whether it's capturing dietary preferences, conflict of interest, or board members' financial contributions, Custom Data Collection empowers you to gather information and make informed decisions with precision.

II. Getting Started with Custom Data Fields

  • Define Your Data Collection Goals: Before diving in, clarify what information is most valuable to your organization. This clarity will guide which custom fields to create and how to structure them for maximum impact.

  • Decide on the Input Process: Determine who will be responsible for filling out the data. Will it be the admin, board members, or a mix of both? This decision will influence the design of your data collection process and how you communicate it to your team.

  • Keep It Simple: Start with a manageable number of questions (5-7) to avoid overwhelming your team. A focused approach ensures higher quality data and encourages participation.

  • Be Creative and Relevant: Tailor your questions to capture unique aspects of your organization. Consider fields that reflect your operational needs, the sky is really the limit when it comes to what you can capture, track and analyze with Boardable.

III. Operationalizing Custom Data Collection

  • To add custom data fields:

    • Click Settings on the main navigation panel

    • Click Custom Data Collection

    • Click + Add field

      • Customize each field with a title, description, answer type, and visibility settings.

      • Consider whether the data will need expiration dates or supporting documents.

      • For more detailed instructions, please see Related Articles.

  • To keep your data collection relevant, regularly review and edit your fields. This could involve updating descriptions, answer options, or visibility settings to reflect changes in your organization's needs.

  • Deactivating Fields: when a field is no longer needed or relevant, you can deactivate it instead of deleting it. This preserves historical data for reporting purposes while cleaning up your active data collection fields.

IV. Reporting and Utilization of Data

Leverage the People directory to generate reports on the collected data. These reports can offer insights into performance metrics, help in strategic decision-making, and inform operational improvements.

To learn how to run these reports, please see Related Articles.

V. Best Practices Summary

  • Plan Ahead: define what data is critical before creating fields.

  • Simplify: start small to ensure quality and engagement.

  • Customize: use creativity to make fields relevant to your organization.

  • Review and Adapt: regularly update and deactivate fields as needs evolve.

  • Leverage Insights: use data reports to drive organizational strategy.

By following these best practices, your organization can maximize the benefits of Custom Data Collection, enhancing decision-making, operational efficiency, and strategic alignment.

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