Learn how to create a task
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Dashboard — Open New Task Menu
III. Tasks Page — Open New Task Menu
IV. Meeting Page — Open New Task Menu
V. Group Page — Open New Task Menu
VI. Create a New Task Menu
VII. Create Task from Minutes
I. Introduction
II. Dashboard — Open New Task Menu
Organization admins can create a task from the home dashboard. These tasks are visible to organization admins and assigned users.
To do so:
Click Home from Boardable's main menu
Scroll down to the My Tasks panel
Click + at the top of this panel
Create a new Task menu opens
To learn how to complete this, please see section VI
III. Tasks Page — Open New Task Menu
Organization admins can create tasks from the Tasks page. These tasks are visible to organization admins and to assigned users.
To create a poll from the Tasks page:
Click Tasks from the main menu
Click Add Task
Create a new task menu opens
To learn how to complete this, please see section VI
IV. Meeting Page — Open New Task Menu
The following users can create tasks from a meeting page:
Organization admins
Meeting creators
Meeting collaborators
These tasks are visible to the above users, and to any users assigned.
Only members, observers, and admins can be assigned to these tasks. Meeting guests cannot be assigned to these tasks.
If a meeting is deleted, the tasks created on its meeting page are also deleted. To make a task which does not depend on a meeting page, do so from the Dashboard or the Tasks page.
To create a task from a meeting page:
Navigate to the desired meeting page
To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles
Click the Tasks & Polls tab
Next to Tasks, click the + button
Create a new task menu opens
To learn how to complete this, please see section VI
V. Group Page — Open New Task Menu
The following users can create tasks from a group page:
Organization admins
Group owners
Group admins
These tasks are visible to the users above and to any users assigned.
If a group is deleted, the tasks created on the group's page are also deleted. To make a task which does not depend on a group page, do so from the Dashboard or the Tasks page.
To create a task from a group page:
Navigate to the desired group page
To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles
Click the Tasks & Polls tab
Next to Tasks, click the + button
Create a new task menu opens
To learn how to complete this, please see section VI
VI. Create a New Task Menu
To set up a task, complete the following fields:
File attachments, if any
To use this:
Click Attach files 📎
Choose from uploader's device, Boardable Document Center, Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive
Select desired file from the location chosen to add this to the poll
Due date
To add an assignee:
Click into the text box labeled Type a person's name
Type the name of a user
Click the user name from the menu this drops down
Added users are listed beneath a People heading
To add all members of a group as participants:
Click into the text box labeled Type a person's name
Type the name of a group
Click the name of the group from the menu this drops down
To remove a participant:
Click the X to the right of their name
Assignee is deleted from the People section of the Create a new poll menu
Click Save
Task is created
Assignees are notified
VII. Create Task From Minutes
Tasks can also be created from meeting minutes. This can be done by the following users:
Organization admins
Meeting creators / owners
Meeting collaborators
Only admins, members, and observers invited to the meeting can be assigned to tasks created from meeting minutes.
Tasks created this way do not pop out a Create task menu. Instead, the assignee, due date, and description are written into the Minutes for a meeting.
Tasks created from meeting Minutes can only be viewed in the Minutes, and on the default view of the Tasks page. Admins cannot use the Meetings view of the Tasks page to find these tasks.
To create a task from Minutes:
Navigate to Minutes for the desired meeting
To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles
Click + at the left side of the Edit Minutes window to drop down options
Click Task from these options
Task entry added to Minutes
Click into the text line labeled Create your task and type task description
Click calendar icon
Date picker pops out
Click due date from date picker
Click assignee icon
Meeting invitees drop down
Select assignee from options
Related Articles
Create a Task: learn how to create a task
View Tasks: learn how to navigate to a task
Tasks — Edit, Delete, & Comment: learn how to edit comments, delete them, or add comments to them
Tasks — Change Completion Status: learn how to mark a status as Complete or Incomplete
Create Meeting Minutes: Learn how to create meeting minutes from the meeting page
Minutes — Additional Options
Edit / Format Meeting Minutes: Learn how to edit meeting minutes along with some tips on moving sections, deleting sections, and formatting (i.e. indenting, page breaks)