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View Tasks

Learn how to navigate to a task

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over 3 months ago


I. Introduction

Tasks can be viewed in the following locations:

  • Dashboard

    • Available to Admins, Members, and Observers

  • Tasks page

    • Available to Admins and Members only

  • Meeting page

    • Available to Admins, Members, and Observers

  • Group page

    • Available to Admins, Members, and Observers

In each location, tasks are displayed by the following details:

  • The viewer's display name if only one user is assigned, or the number of assignees if more than one user is assigned

  • Due date

  • Completion status

    • Indicated by the color of the checkmark to the right of the description

      • Entries for completed tasks display a green and white checkmark

      • Entries for incomplete tasks display a black and white checkmark

For a more detailed view of any task, find it in the desired view, then click the details mentioned above to expand its task page. This provides the following details:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Completion status

  • Due date

  • Assigned users

  • Comment field

II. Dashboard Tasks View

Tasks assigned to the viewer are displayed on the dashboard.

To view these tasks:

  1. Click Home from the main menu

  2. Scroll down to the My Tasks panel

    1. Recent tasks assigned to the viewer are displayed in this section

    2. To view all tasks the viewer can access:

      1. Click View All or click Tasks from the main menu

III. Admin Tasks Page View

Note: Admins cannot view completed tasks from the default Tasks page display; to view incomplete tasks, filter by task list or by assignee.

Admins can view the following task types:

All Incomplete Tasks

To view all incomplete tasks:

  1. Click Tasks from the main menu

    1. Tasks page opens

      1. All incomplete tasks are displayed

    2. To view all task details, click an entry; the task's page opens

Task Lists

To view all tasks contained by a certain task list:

  1. Click Tasks from the main menu

  2. Click desired task title from the navigation panel on the left side of the page

    1. Both complete and incomplete tasks contained by the selected list are displayed

    2. To view all task details, click an entry; the task's page opens

All Tasks Assigned to Viewer

To view complete or incomplete tasks assigned to the viewer:

  1. Click My Tasks

    1. Incomplete tasks assigned to the viewer are displayed

    2. To view complete tasks assigned to the viewer, click Show Completed Tasks at the top right side of the page, filling the checkbox next to this

      • Completed tasks assigned to the viewer are displayed

  2. To view all task details, click an entry

    1. The task's page opens

All Tasks Assigned to Others

To filter tasks by an assignee other than the viewer:

  1. Click the People tab from the center of the page

    1. All users with tasks assigned to them are displayed by the following details:

      • User's display name

      • Number of tasks assigned

  2. Click a user's name

    1. All incomplete tasks assigned to the selected user are displayed

    2. To view all task details, click an entry

      • The task page opens

Incomplete Meeting Tasks

To view incomplete tasks from meetings:

  1. Click the Meetings tab from the center of the page

    1. Meetings with tasks are displayed by the following details:

      • Meeting title

      • Number of tasks created from the meeting

      • Completion rate, indicated by progress bar beneath meeting title

  2. To view all tasks from a certain meeting:

    1. Click desired meeting title

      • Tasks created from that meeting are displayed

    2. To view all task details, click an entry

      • the task's page opens, including the following fields:

        • Task description

        • Due date

        • All assignees

        • Comment field

        • Comments


To search tasks:

  1. Click Search tab from center of the page

  2. Click in to the search text box

  3. Type one or more words from the desired task's description

  4. Click Search

    1. Tasks whose descriptions include the term(s) selected during step 3 are listed

    2. To view all task details, click an entry

      • the task's page opens

IV. View Tasks from Tasks Page as Member:

On the Tasks page, members can view the following tasks:

  • Tasks assigned to them

  • Tasks created by them

To do so:

  1. Click Tasks from the main menu

    1. Tasks page opens

    2. All incomplete tasks assigned to or created by the viewer are listed

    3. To view all task details, click an entry

      1. The task's page opens

  2. To view completed tasks:

    1. Click Completed Tasks from the top right side of the page

V. View Tasks from a Meeting Page

The following users can view tasks created from a meeting page:

  • Organization admins

  • Meeting creator / Owner

  • Meeting collaborator

  • Task assignees

To view a meeting's tasks from its Meeting Page:

  1. Navigate to the desired meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click the Tasks & Polls tab

    1. All tasks created from the meeting page, including complete and incomplete tasks, are listed beneath Tasks

  3. To view all task details, click an entry

    1. The task's page opens

VI. Group Page Task View

The following users can view tasks created from a group page:

  • Organization admins

  • Group admins

  • The task's creator

  • The task's assignees

To view these tasks:

  1. Navigate to the desired Group page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click the Tasks & Polls tab

    1. All Tasks created from the group page, including complete and incomplete tasks, are listed beneath Tasks

  3. To view all task details, click an entry in the list

    1. The task's page opens

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