Learn how to create task lists
I. Introduction
II. How to Create Task List
III. Add Tasks to Task List
I. Introduction
Task lists let admins organize a collection of tasks together in a single view.
This can make it easy to quickly view all tasks associated with a single or recurring project, such as onboarding new teammates.
II. How to Create Task List
Note: only admins can create and view Task Lists.
To create a task list:
Click Tasks on the main menu
Ensure the center tab selected is Tasks (and not Meetings, People, or Search).
Click + New Task List
Click into the Title text box and type the desired title for the list
Click Save
III. Add Tasks to List
Note: only admins can add tasks to Task Lists.
To add a task to a task list:
Click Tasks on the main menu
Ensure the center tab selected is Tasks (and not Meetings, People, or Search).
Click the desired Task List title from the Tasks navigation panel on the left side of the screen
Click Add Task
Create Task menu opens; complete this
To learn how to complete Create Task menu, please see Related Articles
The task created during step 3 is added to the Task List selected during step 2
Related Articles
Create a Task: learn how to create a task
View Tasks: learn how to navigate to a task
Tasks — Edit, Delete, & Comment: learn how to edit comments, delete them, or add comments to them
Tasks — Change Completion Status: learn how to mark a status as Complete or Incomplete