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Glossary of Terms

Learn terms to better understand and navigate Boardable.

Glossary of Terms
Learn terms to better understand and navigate Boardable.


  • Account Holder: main billing contact; the person responsible for payment of the organization's account; receives notification of invoices and updates
  • Account Owner: the person who started or created the organization's account
  • Account Role: assigned through the people directory; options include Administrator, Member, and Observer

  • Administrator: the Account Role of Administrator assigned through the People Directory (aka Organization Admin)

  • Allowlist: add an email address to ensure emails are received from Boardable; this could entail adding an email address to your contacts, VIP list, or safe senders list depending on the email client being used


  • Boardable: an amazing product that drives formal and structured meetings for organizers who are interested in increasing engagement and effectiveness with attendees who are often geographically, technologically, and organizationally diverse


  • Collaboratorsee Meeting Collaborator


  • Group Admin: holds administrative permissions over a specific group


  • Group Owner: holds administrative permissions over a specific group; administrative permissions can only be revoked if an Organization Admin changes the owner of the group


  • Meeting Administratorsee Meeting Collaborator

  • Meeting Collaborator: holds administrative permissions for a specific meeting

  • Meeting Organizersee Meeting Owner

  • Meeting Owner: the user who created the meeting


  • Organization Admin: the Account Role of Administrator assigned through the People Directory (aka Administrator)


  • Soft Delete: this occurs when an organization leaves Boardable; it means that the People Directory is emptied (so no personal identification remains), but the meetings, documents, tasks, etc. are preserved in case they resubscribe

  • Subscription Dashboard: only visible to Administrators and the Account Owner from the Subscription menu; options to change plan, update users, and manage account information

  • Subscription Page: displays Boardable's plans and pricing; accessible through the Subscription Dashboard and the Boardable website


  • Underserved: pain points for the customer; issues that have previously been overlooked in the industry

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