Meeting Reports

Learn how to view and download reports that display information about Meetings — Organization Admins only.


I. Access Meeting Reports

II. Attendance Report

III. Downloads Report

IV. RSVP Report

I. Access Meeting Reports

Meeting Reports are available through the Reports menu, which can only be accessed by Organization Admins (Administrators). Reports are available only for past meetings with sent invites.

To view Meeting report options:

  1. Click Reports from the main menu panel

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  2. Click Meeting reports from the Reports page

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  3. Click Report type to drop down options

  4. Click desired report type

  5. Click Run Report

Click Reports from the main menu panel

downloads (4)

II. Attendance Reports

The Meeting Attendance Report provides data regarding member attendance of meetings. There are two downloads available:

  1. Multi-meeting list of attendance includes the following information:

    1. Meeting titles

    2. Date

    3. # Invitees

    4. # Attended

    5. Attendance %

  2. Meeting-specific attendance includes the following information:

    1. First and last name of members invited

    2. Attendance by member


To view and download the Meeting Attendance Report:

  1. Click Reports from the main menu panel

  2. Click Meeting Reports

  3. Select the appropriate options from the top portion of the page

    1. Group

      1. Click the drop-down to select a specific group's meetings— the default is All Groups

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    2. Report

      1. Click the drop-down

      2. Click Attendance

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    3. Time frame

      1. Click 30 Days, 90 Days, Year, or All Time

      2. Year and All are supported for Enterprise and Professional accounts only

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  4. Click Run Report

    1. Multi-meeting list of attendance populates beneath this

    2. To sort this list, click the arrows next to the desired sorting property, from:

      1. Meeting title

      2. Date

      3. # of invitees

      4. # of attendees

      5. Attendance %

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  5. Click Download CSV to download the list displayed

    1. The CSV file is saved to the downloads folder on your device

  6. For a report on a specific meeting's attendance

    1. Find the desired meeting in the list and click View

      1. Meeting-specific attendance report pops out

      2. To download this:

        • Click Download CSV from the pop-up window

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III. Downloads Report

The Downloads Report provides PDFs of meeting documents. For each meeting, there are three downloads available:

  1. Agenda

    1. A PDF of the meeting Agenda, if the meeting has one

      1. Please refer to Related Articles for more details on agendas

  2. Minutes

    1. A PDF of the meeting Minutes, if the meeting has these

      1. Please refer to Related Articles for more details on Minutes

  3. Summary

    1. A PDF containing

      1. Attendance and RSVPs

      2. The meeting Agenda

      3. The meeting Minutes

      4. Meeting Tasks

To view and download the Downloads Report:

  1. Click Reports from the main menu panel

  2. Click Meeting Reports

  3. Select the appropriate options from the top portion of the page

    1. Group

      1. Click the drop-down to select a specific group's meetings— the default is All Groups

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    2. Report Type

      1. Click the drop-down

      2. Click Downloads

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    3. Time frame

      1. Click 30 Days, 90 Days, Year, or All Time

      2. Year and All are supported for Enterprise and Professional accounts only

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  4. Click Run Report

    1. List matching criteria selected above populates beneath this

    2. Download button is included in entries for meetings which include Agenda, Minutes, or Summary

    3. To sort this list, click arrows next to desired sorting property, from:

      1. Meeting date

      2. Meeting title

  5. Click Download in Agenda, Minutes, or Summary column of entry for desired meeting

IV. RSVP Reports

The RSVP Report provides data regarding RSVPs submitted to meeting invitations for past meetings. There are two downloads available:

  1. Multi-meeting list of RSVPs includes the following information:

    1. Meeting title

    2. Invitation date

    3. # Invitations

    4. # RSVPs

    5. RSVP %

    6. # Yes RSVPs

    7. # No RSVPs

    8. # Maybe RSVPs

    9. # Remote RSVPs

  2. Meeting-specific list includes the following information:

    1. First and last name of invited members

    2. RSVP by member

To view and download the RSVP Report:

  1. Click Reports from the main menu panel

  2. Click Meeting Reports

  3. Select the appropriate options from the top portion of the page

    1. Group

      1. Click the drop-down to select a specific group's meetings— the default is All Groups

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    2. Report

      1. Click the drop-down

      2. Click RSVP

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    3. Time frame

      1. Click 30 Days, 90 Days, Year, or All Time

      2. Year and All are supported for Enterprise and Professional accounts only

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  4. Click Run Report

    1. Multi-meeting list of RSVPs populates beneath this

    2. To sort list, click arrows next to desired sorting properties, from:

      1. Meeting title

      2. Meeting date

      3. # of invitees

      4. RSVP %

      5. # of Yes RSVPs

      6. # of No RSVPs

      7. # of Maybe RSVPs

      8. # of Remote RSVPs

  5. Click Download CSV to download the list displayed

    1. The CSV file is saved to the downloads folder on your device

  6. For a report on a specific meeting's RSVPs

    1. Find the desired meeting in the list and click View

    2. Meeting-specific report pops out

    3. To download this:

      1. Click Download CSV from the pop-up window

        • The CSV file is saved to the downloads folder on your device

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Related Articles

  • Overview of Reports: learn about reports containing organizational data that administrators can view and download

  • Step-by-Step Guide to a Meeting Process: this is a guide to help navigate creating, managing, and running a meeting in Boardable

  • Take Attendance on the Meeting Page: learn how to take attendance on the meeting page and what it is used for

  • Agenda — Build and Edit: learn how to build an agenda from scratch or from a template, edit items, and move items around

  • Create Meeting Minutes: learn how to create meeting minutes from the meeting page and from Boardable Spotlight