User Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

Learn how to set up two factor authentication through User Settings.


I. Enable Two Factor Authentication

II. Disable Two Factor Authentication

III. Edit Settings if Global 2FA Enabled

I. Enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

Boardable provides two factor authentication as an extra measure of security when logging in to Boardable. Two factors means that the user must enter the password they set for the account as well as a One-Time-Passcode (OTP). This helps protect the account from hackers.

Note: Users must set up their own two factor authentication, Organization Admins are not able to perform this action for other users.

To enable 2FA:

  1. Log in to Boardable

  2. Click your photo in the profile panel to reveal the drop-down menu

    1. Click User Settings


  3. Click the Login and Password tab

    1. Click Enable Two Factor Authentication

  4. There are two options to receive verification codes

    1. Mobile Phone Number

      1. Type in the number of the mobile device that should receive verification codes

      2. Click Send Verification Code

    2. Email Address

      1. Click Use email instead

      2. Click Send Verification Code

        1. The email address will be pre-filled with the current log in email address

  5. Click on the first box of the verification code and type in the code sent to the mobile device or email designated

    1. Click Submit

  6. Display will change to show that 2FA is enabled


II. Disable Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

Although not recommended, two factor authentication can be disabled.

To disable 2FA:

  1. Log in to Boardable

  2. Click your name in the profile panel to reveal the drop-down menu

    1. Click My Profile

  3. Click the Two Factor Authentication tab

  4. Click Disable Two Factor Authentication


III. Edit Settings if Global 2FA Enabled

Once global 2FA is enabled, the option to disable two factor authentication is no longer available. Although it cannot be disabled, there still may be times when the phone number or email address used for 2FA need to be updated.

To update email or phone when global 2FA is enabled:

  1. Log in to Boardable

  2. Click your name in the profile panel to reveal the drop-down menu

    1. Click My Profile

  3. Click the Two Factor Authentication tab

  4. Click the underlined portion to edit your 2FA settings

  5. Update the phone number and click Send Verification Code

    1. To edit or add email, click Use email instead


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