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Boardable Video Overview

Learn about Boardable's video conferencing and the features available during a meeting.

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated this week


I. Introduction

Click here for a guided tour of basic options in a Boardable Video Conferencing session.

For a video tutorial on these options, please see the below.

For advanced information, please reference this help article.

II. Start a Video Conferencing Session

Video conferencing on a meeting can be started by the following users:

  • Organization admins

  • Meeting creators / owners

  • Meeting Collaborators

To do so, and let all invitees join:

  1. Navigate to the desired meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Join Web Conference

    1. Start menu displays, providing the following details:

      1. Meeting title

      2. Video conferencing session URL

      3. Dial-in number

  3. Click Start Video Meeting

    1. Video conferencing session begins, and invitees other than those listed above can join

      1. To learn how to join a video conferencing session, please see Related Articles

III. Settings

The following preferences can be set from the video conferencing screen:

  • Audio & Video

    • Camera

    • Microphone

    • Noise reduction

  • Video Quality

  • User preferences

    • Language

    • Chat notification

    • Default emoji skin tone

  • Background effects

To learn how to use each of these options, please see Related Articles.

To open the Boardable Video Settings menu, click the gear icon ( βš™) at the top left side of the conferencing screen.

IV. View Selection

In a video conferencing session, it's possible to view all participant video feeds at once, or to maximize the video feed of the speaking participant.

To view multiple video feeds at once, use Grid view. This displays 6 participants at a time. To scroll between participants, click the angle brackets (<>) on the left and right sides of the video conferencing screens.

To maximize the speaker's video feed, use Speaker view.

The toggle to switch between these two options is available at the top right side of the page.

V. Pinned Views

Regardless of the view selected, a participants' video feeds can be pinned to the right side of the conferencing screen.

Pinning a video feed makes this feed visible at the same time as the grid or speaker view. This can ensure best possible visibility of the pinned participant's visibility for the person who uses the pin.

Using this option only pins the selected participant on the viewer's conferencing screen; one person pinning a certain participant does not also pin this same participant for all others in the session.

Each new pin replaces the previous pin.

A participant can pin themself via the steps below:

  1. Click More actions (...) at the top right side of the viewer's video feed, or

    1. Click People from the Meeting options menu at the bottom of the screen

      1. All participants in the meeting are listed

    2. Click the ellipsis (...) next to the viewer's display name

      1. Options drop down

  2. Click Pin yourself

    1. The viewer's video feed is pinned to the right side of the video conferencing screen

To pin a participant other than the viewer:

  1. Click More actions (...) at the top right side of the participant's video feed, or

    1. Click People from the Meeting options menu at the bottom of the screen

      1. All participants in the meeting are listed

    2. Click the ellipsis (...) next to the desired participant's display name

      1. Options drop down

  2. Click Pin

    1. The selected participant's video feed is pinned to the right side of the video conferencing screen

To unpin a participant:

  1. Click More actions (...) at the top right side of the participant's video feed, or

    1. Click People from the Meeting options menu at the bottom of the screen

      1. All participants in the meeting are listed

    2. Click the ellipsis (...) next to the desired participant's display name

      1. Options drop down

  2. Click Unpin yourself / unpin participant

VI. Content Panel

Boardable video lets participants view the following content on the same screen as the video feeds.

How much of the screen is used by the content panel is customizable. The following options are supported:

  • 30%

  • 50%

  • 80%

To maximize the content panel, and compress the video feed:

  1. Click the desired content option from the content menu at the left side of the screen

    1. Content panel opens; by default, this uses 30% of the screen

  2. Click Expand panel to 50% or Expand panel to 80%

    1. Content panel expands to use the screen percentage selected during step 2


To view the agenda within a video conferencing session, click the Agenda button (the button showing three dots and three lines) from the content menu at the leftmost side of the screen.


Before the meeting minutes are published, only the following users can view them from the video conferencing screen:

  • Admins

  • Meeting creators / owners

  • Meeting collaborators

To view, edit, or take meeting minutes from the video conferencing screen:

  1. Click the Minutes button (the button showing a pencil) from the content menu at the left side of the screen

  2. Click Edit Minutes or Start Minutes

    1. Minutes open

      1. To learn how to write Minutes, please see Related Articles

Meeting Documents

To view the meeting documents, including agenda attachments if any from the video conferencing screen:

  1. Click the Documents button (the button showing two stacked rectangles) from the content menu at the left side of the screen

  2. Click the title of the desired document

    1. Selected document opens in the content panel

      1. To learn how to present this document to other participants, please see Related Articles


To open this help article, click the help (?) button at bottom of the content menu at the left side of the screen.

VII. Meeting Options

From the options menu at the bottom of the screen, the following options are accessible:


When a participant's video feed is off, preventing other participants from seeing it, their camera button is labeled Turn on.

When a participant's video feed is on, the camera button is labeled Turn off.

To switch between the two options, click the camera button.

To access the Background Effects field in video settings via the camera button:

  1. Click the caret (^) beside the camera button

    1. Options expand

  2. Click Background effects...

    1. Background effects settings menu opens

To access other fields in video settings via the camera button:

  1. Click the caret (^) beside the camera button

    1. Options expand

  2. Click Video settings...

    1. Video settings menu opens

A participant can remove their own video feed from their view of the conferencing screen via the steps below:

  1. Click the caret (^) beside the camera button

    1. Options expand

  2. Click Hide Self View

    1. The participant's self view is hidden from their own conferencing screen

This option is only available when more than one participant has joined the conferencing session.


When a participant's microphone is off, preventing other participants from hearing it, their camera button is labeled Unmute.

When a participant's microphone is on, and other participants can hear them, the microphone button is labeled Mute.

To switch between the two options, click the microphone button.

To change the microphone heard by other participants without opening the Boardable Video Settings menu:

  1. Click the caret (^) beside the microphone button

    1. Options expand

      1. All available microphones are listed beneath the Microphone heading

  2. Click the desired microphone from this list

To change the speaker used to hear the conference without opening the Boardable Video Settings menu:

  1. Click the caret (^) beside the microphone button

    1. Options expand

      1. All available speakers are listed beneath the Speaker heading

  2. Click the desired speaker from this list

To enable or disable noise reduction without opening the Boardable Video Settings menu:

  1. Click the caret (^) beside the microphone button

    1. Options expland

  2. Click the toggle beside Noise Reduction to turn it off or on

    1. A pop-out at the top left side of the conferencing screen displays the noise reduction status

To learn other available audio options, please see Related Articles.


All participants can view the display names or phone numbers of others in the meeting, and pin or hide their video feeds.

To do so:

  1. Click People from the meeting options menu at the bottom of the conferencing screen

    1. Meeting information panel opens on the right side of the conferencing screen

      1. The display names of all participants joining via the web, desktop, or mobile app are displayed

      2. The phone numbers of all participants joining via dial-in, if any, are also displayed

  2. Click the ellipsis (...) next to the desired participant's name

    1. Options drop down

      1. To pin a participant, click Pin

        • The video feed of the participant selected during step 2 is pinned on the right side of the viewer's conferencing screen

Admins can mute others, turn off their cameras, promote them to boardable video admin, and even remove them from a call.

To do so:

  1. Click People from the meeting options menu at the bottom of the conferencing screen

    1. Meeting information panel opens on the right side of the conferencing screen set to the People tab

      1. The display names of all participants joining via the web, desktop, or mobile app are displayed

      2. The phone numbers of all participants joining via dial-in, if any, are also displayed

  2. Click the ellipsis (...) next to the desired participant's name

    1. Options drop down

      1. To change their Boardable video role, click Make admin or Revoke admin

      2. To mute their microphone, click Mute microphone

        • This option is only accessible when the selected participant's microphone is currently unmuted

        • Admins cannot unmute others

          • To use their microphone again, the participant will need to click Unmute on their own meeting options menu

      3. To turn off their camera, click Turn off camera

        • This option is only accessible when the selected participant's camera is currently on

        • Admins cannot turn on others' cameras

          • To use their camera again, the participant will need to click Turn On next to the camera button on their own meeting options menu

      4. To remove them from the call:

        • Click Remove from call...

          • Remove participant pop-out is displayed

        • Click Remove participant

          • Selected participant is removed from the conferencing session

Meetings can support up to 200 people participating. To request larger meeting size, please contact Support.


To view the session's chat, click Chat from the meeting options menu at the bottom of the conferencing screen This opens the meeting information panel opens on the right side of the conferencing screen, set to the Chat tab

To add a message to the session's chat:

  1. Click into the text box labeled Type a message

  2. Type a message up to 256 characters long

  3. Click β†’ or press Return on the keyboard to send the message

To learn more about chat, please see Related Articles


Any participant can send the following reaction to the conferencing screen of all others in the session:

  • Clap πŸ‘

  • Thumbs up πŸ‘

  • Thumbs down πŸ‘Ž

  • Wave πŸ‘‹

  • Heart ❀️

  • Laugh / cry πŸ˜‚

  • Exploding head 🀯

  • Fire πŸ”₯

  • Confetti πŸŽ‰

To do so:

  1. Click React from the meeting options menu at the bottom of the conferencing screen

    1. Reaction options pop out

  2. Click desired reaction from options

    1. Reaction is sent

Raise Hand

Any participant can virtually raise their hand. Their raised hand is noted the following places:

  • At the top left corner of their video tile

  • In the People tab of the meeting information panel

    • To view this, click People from the meeting options panel at the bottom of the screen

To do so, click Raise πŸ– from the meeting options menu at the bottom of the conferencing screen.

Share Screen

Any participant can share their screen with others in the conferencing session. On doing so, the view of others in the session will be set to Speaker view, with the contents of the sharer's screen pinned.

To do so:

  1. Click Share from the meeting options menu at the bottom of the conferencing screen

    1. Device's sharing menu pops out

  2. Select desired tab, window, or screen

  3. Click Share


To check whether the network connection in use can best support the session:

  1. Click Network from the meeting options menu at the bottom of the conferencing screen

    1. Meeting information panel opens on the right side of the screen, set to the Network tab

  2. Review the following information

    1. Quality of network

      1. If this isn't good, the experience of the session can be improved by turning off the outgoing video feed, by asking other participants to turn off their own video feeds, or by switching to a different network

    2. Download rate

      1. Reflects bandwidth used by conferencing session

    3. Upload rate

      1. Reflects bandwidth used by conferencing session

For more on troubleshooting Boardable Video, please see Related Articles.


Text transcription of the most recent spoken words is available from the meeting options menu. This can display up to 10 lines of text.

To expand or minimize captions, click Captions from the meeting options menu at the bottom of the conferencing screen.


Any participant can start a session recording. To do so:

  1. Click Record from the meeting options menu at the bottom of the conferencing screen

    1. Start recording menu opens

  2. Set desired title and storage location

  3. Click Start Recording

To learn more about recording, please see Related Articles.

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