Learn how to add and remove users from a group (update group members).
I. Groups, Content Visibility & Calendar Events
II. Add Users to Groups
III. Remove Users from Groups
IV. Troubleshooting
I. Groups, Content Visibility & Calendar Events
New group members can automatically view the below on the group page:
All group documents
All group goals
All group meetings
Group discussions, tasks, polls created after the member is added to the group
New group members cannot see the content listed below unless they are manually added to it:
Past group discussions
Past group tasks
Past group polls
New group members receive calendar events for all meetings created after their addition to the group.
In order for new group members to have calendar events for meetings created before their addition to the group, invites for these meetings need to be re-sent to all invitees. To learn how to do so, please see Related Articles.
When a user is removed from a group, they are removed from the group’s meetings. They receive email notifications which remove these meetings from their calendars.
Removed group members retain access to the following content:
Group discussions started before their removal
Tasks assigned to the group before their removal
Polls assigned to the group before their removal
II. Add Users to Group
Only the following users can add users to a group:
Organization admin
Group admin
Group owner
To add users to a group:
Click Groups in the main main navigation menu on the left
Find the group to be updated and click on the group's name to open the group page
Click Members in the top navigation menu
Click Update Members
click into the text box labeled Type a person's name
Type a name
Click this name in the menu this drops down
Click Save
III. Remove Users From Group
Only the following users can remove users from a group:
Organization admin
Group admin
Group owner
To remove users from a group:
Click Groups in the main main navigation menu on the left
Find the group to be updated and click on the group's name to open the group page
Click Members in the top navigation menu
Click Update Members
Click the X to the right of the names of users who should be removed from group
Click Save
IV. Troubleshooting
Cannot add User to Group
When a user’s name does not drop down from the Type a person’s name field, this means either the user is already added to the group, or they are not yet added to the organization.
Only those who are already admins, members, or observers at the organization-level can be made group members.
Please review the group members tab and the People directory. To learn how to add someone to the organization before adding them to the group, please see Related Articles.
Group Members Can’t Access Content
If a person is listed in the Group Members list, but cannot access some expected items, the cause is likely that this content was created before they were added to the group. To fix this, manually edit the users added to the desired item to include the new member.
To learn more about group content and new members, and how to edit users added to polls, tasks, and more, please see Related Articles.
Group Member Name Duplicated
If a group member’s name is listed multiple times on the group members list, please report this to Support. Please do not try to resolve this by removing the user from the organization.
Related Articles
Group Roles and Permissions: learn about the different types of roles within a group and the permissions associated with each role
Create / Delete a Group: learn how to create and delete a group
Update Group Roles: learn how to update roles within a group
Update Group Owner: learn how to change the Group Owner - Organization Admins only
Groups: learn about Boardable groups
Invite / Remove People from Meetings: learn who received invites, how to invite more people, or un-invite (remove / delete) individuals from a meeting in Boardable.
Overview of the Group Page: learn how to view a group’s page, and which content on this page is accessible to new group members.
Edit or Delete a Discussion: learn who can edit a discussion, delete a discussion, or remove messages from a discussion.
Polls — View, Edit, Delete, & Comment: learn how to edit polls.
Tasks — Edit, Delete, & Comment: learn how to edit tasks.