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Attendance in Meeting Minutes

Learn how to record and edit detailed attendance, within free-form minutes, during the meeting and after.


I. Introduction

II. Take Attendance in Minutes

IV. Edit Attendance in Minutes

I. Introduction

Attendance can be noted in a meeting's Minutes using the attendance Minutes entry.

Attendance in the Minutes and on the Meeting Page are synced. An invitee set as Present in the Minutes is also set as Present on the meeting page. An invitee set as Not Present in the Minutes is also set as Absent on the meeting page. Likewise, attendance statuses set on the meeting page are carried over to the Minutes attendance entry.

In the Edit Minutes view, this entry includes the following details:

  • The name and profile picture of each invitee, separated into two vertically spaced lists (users and guests)

  • A notes section beneath each invitee

  • A dropdown beside each invitee to note their attendance

    • Attendance statuses set on the meeting page auto-populate this field; a person who is set to present on the meeting page is automatically set to present in the Minutes

      Attendance in Meeting Minutes

In the PDF view, this entry displays invitee names and custom notes, divided into six lists:

  • Present members, if any

    • All observers, members, and admins marked as Present in the Edit Minutes view

  • Absent members, if any

    • All observers, members, and admins marked as Not Present in the Edit Minutes view

  • Member notes, if any

    • Custom notes added to the attendance of observers, members, and admins

  • Present guests, if any

    • All guests marked as Present in the Edit Minutes view

  • Absent guests, if any

    • All guests marked as Not Present in the Edit Minutes view

  • Guest notes, if any

    • Custom notes added to the attendance of guests

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II. Take Attendance in Minutes

To add attendance to Minutes:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Minutes view of Minutes for the desired meeting

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click + to the left of a blank Minutes entry

    1. Entry type options drop down

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  3. Click Attendance from these options

    1. Attendance entry is added

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  4. Click the dropdown to the right of an invitee name

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  5. Click desired attendance option, from: Present, Present (remote), or Not present

    1. The Minutes and meeting page are both updated with the selected option

III. Edit Attendance in Minutes

To edit attendance in Minutes after adding it:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Minutes view of Minutes for the desired meeting

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Look for the Attendance entry, which begins with the heading Member Attendance

    Attendance in Meeting Minutes
  3. Click the dropdown next to the desired invitee's name

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  4. Click desired attendance option, from: Present, Present (remote), or Not present

    1. The Minutes and meeting page are both updated with the selected option

Related Articles

  • General Meeting Info

  • More on Minutes:

    • Create Meeting Minutes: learn how to create meeting minutes from the meeting page and from Boardable Spotlight

    • Edit / Format Meeting Minutes: learn how to edit meeting minutes along with some tips on moving sections, deleting sections, and formatting (i.e. indenting, page breaks)

    • Publish Meeting Minutes: learn how to publish free-form minutes through the meeting page or through Spotlight

  • More on Attendance