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Minutes — Signatures

Learn how to approve Minutes

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over a week ago


I. Introduction to Minutes Signatures

Minutes Signatures allow organizations to note approval of minutes for each meeting.

This feature is supported only for Professional organizations. For organizations on other service levels, the Get Signatures button at the top right side of the Edit Minutes window is greyed out, and cannot be clicked. To access this button, upgrade to Professional.

When signatures are requested for Minutes, this places a PDF of the Minutes as they exist at the time of request in the following locations:

  • The Signatures section of the Document Center

  • The Documents tab of the meeting page

This document's title uses the following format:

[Meeting title] [Meeting date] Approval

Minutes can be edited after they are signed. These edits are not applied to the signed copy in the document center.

II. Request Minutes Signatures


  • Meeting signatures are supported for our Professional and Enterprise service levels only

  • Only meeting invitees can be invited to sign a document

  • Only users with the following roles can request signatures on Minutes:

    • Organization admin

    • Meeting creator

    • Meeting collaborator / Meeting admin

To invite a user sign a meeting's Minutes:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Edit Minutes

  3. Click Get Signatures

    1. Get signatures menu opens

  4. Click Select to drop down signee options

  5. Click desired signee from options this expands

    1. Selected signee's name is added to Get signatures menu

    2. To select multiple signee:

      1. Add first signee as described above

      2. Click caret (V) to the left of previously selected signee's name

      3. Click desired signee from the options this expands

    3. To deselect a selected signee:

      1. Click the X to the right of the unwanted signee's name

  6. Click Submit

    1. The signee selected during step 5 receives a notification inviting them to sign the

    2. A PDF of the Minutes as they currently exist is placed in the Signatures section of the Document Center

III. Sign Minutes

When signatures are requested, they can be signed from three locations:

To Sign Minutes from Document Center

  1. Click Documents on the main menu panel

  2. Click on Signatures

  3. Click Outstanding

  4. Click Sign next to the Minutes approval document

    1. PDF copy of Minutes opens

  5. Click the arrow (>) at the bottom of the document viewer to go to the last page of the document

  6. Click Click to sign

  7. Add a signature

    1. Draw is selected by default

      1. To draw, use the mouse or a mouse pad to draw the signature

        1. To restart the drawing, click Clear

      2. To type, click Type and type the appropriate name

      3. To upload, click Upload and upload the file by dragging and dropping or click Choose a signature

  8. Click Save

    1. Signature is saved to PDF copy of Minutes

To sign Minutes from Meeting page

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Documents in the center of the meeting page

  3. Click Sign beside the e-sign copy of the Minutes

    1. A PDF copy of the Minutes opens

  4. Click the arrow (>) at the bottom of the document viewer to go to the last page of the document

  5. Click Click to sign

  6. Add a signature

    1. Draw is selected by default

      1. To draw, use the mouse or a mouse pad to draw the signature

        1. To restart the drawing, click Clear

      2. To type, click Type and type the appropriate name

      3. To upload, click Upload and upload the file by dragging and dropping or click Choose a signature

  7. Click Save

    1. Signature is saved to PDF copy of Minutes

To sign Minutes from notifications

  1. Click Notifications

    1. Notifications drop down

  2. Click notification for signature request

    1. PDF of Minutes opens

  3. Click the arrow (>) at the bottom of the document viewer to go to the last page of the document

  4. Click Click to sign

  5. Add a signature

    1. Draw is selected by default

      1. To draw, use the mouse or a mouse pad to draw the signature

        1. To restart the drawing, click Clear

      2. To type, click Type and type the appropriate name

      3. To upload, click Upload and upload the file by dragging and dropping or click Choose a signature

  6. Click Save

    1. Signature is saved to PDF copy of Minutes

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