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Agenda — View and Print

Learn the options to view an agenda, and how to print it

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over a week ago


I. Introduction to Agenda Views

There are five agenda view options:

  • From the meeting page

    • The admin can edit the agenda via this view

    • Meeting members and observers can use this view to add personal notes

  • In web browser

    • The admin can use this view to add personal notes

    • No sidebars (for editing or navigating elsewhere in the platform) are displayed in this view

  • PDF (no docs)

    • A PDF of only the Agenda, not including links to its attachments

    • No sidebars (for editing or navigating elsewhere in the platform) are displayed in this view

  • PDF (with documents attachments included)

    • A PDF of the Agenda with links to its attachments; these links open to the in-app PDF view of the document

    • No sidebars (for editing or navigating elsewhere in the platform) are displayed in this view

  • From Spotlight meeting

    • Spotlight mVeeting participants can use this option to view agenda items without navigating away from the video call

    • This is the only option guests can use to view the agenda in the platform

Of these, only the web browser and PDF views can be printed via the platform.

All views of the agenda include the details below:

  • Agenda item text

  • Agenda item description text

  • Duration, if any is set

  • People responsible, if any are set

  • Attachment document titles, if any are added

Agenda views do not include author name, editor names, or other information on edit history.

To learn how to navigate to each view, please see the sections below.

II. View Agenda from Meeting Page

Notes: This view is editable by default for admins, meeting owners, and meeting collaborators

To view an agenda from a meeting page:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page (to learn how to do this, please see Related Articles)

  2. Click the Agenda tab from the meeting page

    1. Agenda items drop down

      1. For multi-day meetings, use the Day sub-tabs to switch between the agenda items for each day in the meeting

III. View Agenda in Browser

Note: only admins, meeting creators, and meeting collaborators can access this view

To open an in-browser view of the agenda as an admin, meeting creator, or meeting collaborator:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page (to learn how to do this, please see Related Articles)

  2. Click the Agenda tab from the meeting page

  3. Click Agenda options

  4. Click View in Browser

    1. In-browser view opens in a new tab or window

It's not possible to navigate from the in-browser view to other areas of the platform via any interface buttons.

To get back to the meeting page, or visit other parts of the platform, return to the window or tab opened during step 1.

IV. View Agenda PDF Without Document Attachments


  • Only admins, meeting creators, and meeting collaborators can access this view

  • The PDF of an agenda for a Boardable meeting which uses Spotlight includes the Spotlight dial-in number and PIN

  • Agenda PDFs can be downloaded before or after publication

    • Before publication, only admins, meeting creators, and meeting collaborators can access this view

    • After publication, this view can be accessed by the meeting creator, organization admins, and all invited users and guests

  • Agenda PDFs add a heading above all agenda items, including the following details:

    • Organization logo, if any is set in organization settings

    • Meeting title

    • Meeting date

    • Meeting time

    • Meeting description

To open the Agenda (no docs) view:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page (to learn how to do this, please see Related Articles)

  2. Click the Agenda tab from the meeting page

  3. Click Agenda options

  4. Click Agenda (No Docs)

    1. A PDF of the agenda with no attachment links opens in a new tab or window

V. View Agenda PDF With Document Attachments


  • The PDF of an agenda for a Boardable meeting which uses Spotlight includes the Spotlight dial-in number and PIN

  • Agenda PDFs can be downloaded before or after publication

    • Before publication, only admins, meeting creators, and meeting collaborators can access this view

    • After publication, this view can be accessed by the meeting creator, organization admins, and all invited users and guests

  • Agenda PDFs add a heading above all agenda items, including the following details:

    • Organization logo, if any is set in organization settings

    • Meeting title

    • Meeting date

    • Meeting time

    • Meeting description

To open a PDF of the agenda with agenda links as an admin, meeting creator, or meeting collaborator:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page (to learn how to do this, please see Related Articles)

  2. Click the Agenda tab from the meeting page

  3. Click Agenda options

  4. Click View PDF

    1. A PDF of the agenda with links to each of its attachments opens in a new tab or window

To open a PDF of the agenda with agenda links as a meeting member or observer:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page (to learn how to do this, please see Related Articles)

  2. Click the Agenda tab from the meeting page

  3. Click Agenda PDF

    1. A PDF of the agenda with links to each of its attachments opens in a new tab or window

VI. View Agenda From Spotlight Meeting

To view an agenda from a Spotlight meeting:

  1. Join the meeting (to learn how to do this, please see Related Articles)

  2. Click the Agenda button on the video call's left navigation panel

    1. Agenda opens in left panel of Spotlight meeting

VII. Print an Agenda

The most printer-friendly versions of the agenda are the in-browser view and the PDF views.

To print the agenda from the in-browser view:

  1. Open the in-browser view as described in section III

  2. Click Print agenda

    1. Device's print menu opens; complete this to finish printing

    2. Personal notes are included in the printed copy

To print the agenda the agenda from a PDF:

  1. Open the PDF without attachments as described in section IV, or with attachments as described in section V

  2. Click the print icon shown by the browser at the top of the PDF

    1. Device's print menu opens; complete this to finish printing

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