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Complete Custom Data Fields

Learn how to fill out custom data fields for individual users

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over 6 months ago


I. Introduction

Custom data fields can be completed for users within their settings.

Each individual user can complete their own custom data fields if these fields are set as Visible to members.

Otherwise, admins must complete these fields for all other users in the organization.

II. Complete Own Custom Data Fields

To complete a custom data field in an account while logged in to it:

  1. Click the grey silhouette or profile picture at the top right side of the screen

  2. Click User Settings

    1. By default, the Profile user settings tab is selected

  3. Click the Custom Fields heading in the Profile user settings tab

    1. All active custom data fields for the organization are listed by title, description, and answer entry field

  4. Click into the answer entry field

  5. Type answer, or select from date picker

    1. To set expiry date for data fields which support this:

      1. Click the text box next to Valid Until; date picker expands

        • If there is no Valid Until option, this data field does not allow expiry dates; to learn how an admin can change this, please see Related Articles

      2. Select expiry date from date picker, or type expiry date in month / day / year format

    2. To add supporting documents for custom fields which allow this:

      1. Click Supporting document

        • If this option is not listed with the custom data field, this means the admin who created this field did not enable supporting documents

      2. Device's file directory opens

      3. Select desired document in file directory to upload

  6. Click Save

III. Complete Others' Custom Data Fields

To complete a custom data field for others as an admin:

  1. Click People on the main navigation menu

  2. Click the name of the person whose custom data field should be filled

  3. Click Edit

  4. Click View Custom Fields

    1. All active custom data fields for the organization are listed by title, description, and answer entry field

  5. Click into the answer entry field

    1. Type answer, or select from date picker

    2. To set expiry date for data fields which support this:

      1. Click the text box next to Valid Until; date picker expands

        • If there is no Valid Until option, this data field does not allow expiry dates; to learn how an admin can change this, please see Related Articles

      2. Select expiry date from date picker, or type expiry date in month / day / year format

    3. To add supporting documents for custom fields which allow this:

      1. Click Supporting document

        • If this option is not listed with the custom data field, this means the admin who created this field did not enable supporting documents

      2. Device's file directory opens

      3. Select desired document in file directory to upload

    4. Click Save

Related Articles

  • Custom Data Fields β€” Create & Edit: Learn how to add a field to the settings of all users in an organization for any data wanted, and how to edit or deactivate this field

  • Custom Data Collection Best Practices: Learn how to get the best possible experience of Custom Data Collection

  • User Settings: Learn about personal profile settings, options available (ie contact info, login, notifications, timezone) and how to connect a Zoom account

  • Edit Boardable User: Learn how to edit user information as an Administrator and what information the Administrator edits versus the user.

  • Custom Data Report: Learn how to view a report containing the text, dollar amount, or date in each user's custom data field.


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