How to Replace Admins

Learn how to replace organization administrators


I. Introduction

II. Replace One of Multiple Admins

III. Replace Only Admin

I. Introduction

When a board administrator leaves the organization, their administrative privileges can be withdrawn, and granted to another user.

Each user's display name and activity on the platform is linked to their login address. For this reason, we do not recommend sharing login addresses as tenure passes from one person to another.

Instead, delete or demote the present admin, and promote or add a new admin.

II. Replace One of Multiple Admins

If the organization has multiple admins, and one of these needs to be replaced, another admin can accomplish this via the steps listed below.

To learn how many admins the organization has, and which users are admins who can take these steps, please see Related Articles.

  1. Click People on the main navigation panel, opening the People Directory

  2. Click + Add Users at the top left side of the screen

  3. Fill out the Invite to Boardable form

    1. Enter the new admin's email address (this is the email they will use for logging in to Boardable) beneath Add users

    2. Click Admin beneath Assign Account Role

    3. Click the checkbox next to any group name, under Assign to Groups, the user should be a member of

    4. Click Add users

      1. New admin is added to the organization


  4. Change the outgoing admin's status

    1. To keep the outgoing admin on the organization, and demote them to member or observer:

      1. Click the name of the outgoing admin

      2. Click Edit

      3. Click Account Role

      4. Click Member or Observer

      5. Click Save

        • The outgoing admin now has the permissions associated with the role selected during step 4.a.iv

    2. To remove the outgoing admin from the organization completely

      1. Click the checkbox next to the name of the outgoing admin

      2. Click Delete from the menu this pops out at the bottom of the page

      3. Click OK


III. Replace Only Admin

If an organization has only one admin, and this admin needs to be replaced, it is recommended that the outgoing admin add a new admin before their departure. This new admin can then remove the outgoing admin.

To add a new admin, the outgoing admin can take the steps below:

  1. Click People on the main navigation panel, opening the People Directory

  2. Click + Add Users at the top left side of the screen

  3. Fill out the Invite to Boardable form

    1. Enter the new admin's email address (this is the email they will use for logging in to Boardable) beneath Add users

    2. Click Admin beneath Assign Account Role

    3. Click the checkbox next to any group name, under Assign to Groups, the user should be a member of

    4. Click Add users

      1. New admin is added to the organization



The user added can then take the steps below to demote or remove the outgoing admin:

  1.  Accept organization invitation
  2. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles
  3. Click People on the main navigation panel, opening the People Directory
  4. Change the outgoing admin's status
To keep the outgoing admin on the organization, and demote them to member or observer:
  1. Click the name of the outgoing admin

  2. Click Edit

  3. Click Account Role

  4. Click Member or Observer

  5. Click Save

    • The outgoing admin now has the permissions associated with the role selected during step 3.a.iv


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