How to Update Password

Learn how to reset your password and review Boardable's password policy.


I. Introduction

II. Reset password

III. Log in without password

I. Introduction

There are two ways to change a lost or forgotten password.

The first option is to reset it via an emailed link.

The second option is to log in without a password, then make the needed change within user settings.

A password reset is necessary when you see the error message These credentials do not match our records when the correct data server is selected at log in.

II. Reset Password

To reset a lost or forgotten password:

  1. Go to the Boardable Login page

  2. Click Forgot your password?

  3. Type the login address in the menu this pops out

  4. Click Send Password Reset Link

  5. An email is sent to the login address; click the Reset password button contained by this message

  6. On the page this opens, type the login address in the Email address text box

  7. Type a new password in the New password text box

  8. Re-type the new password in the Confirm Password text box

  9. Click Reset password


III. Log In Without Password

To update the password within user settings:

  1. Log in without a password, or using Single Sign On

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click the profile picture or grey silhouette from the top right side of the screen

    1. Click User Settings

    2. Settings menu opens

  3. Click Login and Password from the Settings menu

  4. Type desired password in the New password text box

  5. Re-type the same in the Repeat Password text box

  6. Click Save


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