Learn about discussions, how to add a discussion, and how to choose who should be involved in the discussion.
Table of Contents
I. Start a Discussion
II. Assign to Users and Groups
III. Add a User Quickly
Start a Discussion
Only the following users can start a discussion:
Account Role of Administrator
Account Role of Member
To start a Discussion:
Discussions can be started from two places on the Boardable platform
Click Discussions from the main menu panel
Click + New Discussion
No groups or users will be pre-selected
Navigate to the group through Groups from the main menu panel
Click Discussions in the top navigation menu
Click + New Discussion in the upper right
The group where the discussion is started will automatically be selected
Fill out the New Discussion form
Title - this will be considered the name of the discussion, so try to make it short and descriptive
Description - this provides details to the user regarding the intent or use of the full discussion
Use the formatting options to create lists, add links, emojis, and add files
Click Next
Assign to users and groups - click in the box to view a drop down, and select any groups or users that should be part of the discussion - please refer to the Assign to Users and Groups section for more details
Click Save
II. Assign to Users and Groups
To assign users and groups to a discussion:
Click inside the Assign to users and groups box to reveal the drop-down list
Groups are listed first, then individual users
To add a group and all its members:
Click the group name on the list; the group name will be displayed below the Assign to users and groups box in the Groups section
All individual members of the selected group will also appear below the Groups section in the People section
To add an individual:
Click in the box again to display the list
Scroll down to individual user's name; click on the name to add it
The user is added in alphabetical order by last name
To remove a groups and individuals:
Click the x next to the group name to remove a group and all of its members; click the x next to an individual's name to remove an individual
The final list will show selected groups under the Groups section, and individual users under the People section:
The groups will display in alphabetical order; the individual users will display in alphabetical order by last name
The number of groups and individual users in the discussion is indicated by a number in parentheses next to the Groups and People section headers
Discussion Privacy: if the discussion is within a group - but some members of the group should not be included in the discussion - do the following:
Select the group, then delete just the individuals listed in People section that should not be a part of the discussion (this keeps the discussion on the group page, but only those invited can see it)
Select each individual one at a time without selecting a group (this discussion will only be available through the Discussions page accessed from the main menu panel)
III. Add a User Quickly
The @ symbol can be used to add people to a discussion quickly. To perform a quick add:
When adding a new message in the discussion, type @ and part of the user's name in the message box
Their full name will come up as an option to select, press return/enter on the keyboard to accept
Their name is now added to the message
Type the rest of the message and click Send
The person is now added to the discussion (refresh may be necessary to see the updated number at the top)
Note: if the user is already part of the discussion, this is also a handy way to tag the user for specific notification
Related Articles
Overview of Discussions: learn the basics of having discussion in Boardable, along with sorting, filtering, and how to leave a discussion
View / Participate in Discussions: learn how to be a part of discussions as well as understand the permissions within a discussion
Edit or Delete a Discussion: learn who can edit a discussion, delete a discussion, or remove messages from a discussion
Account Roles and Permissions: learn about the different types of account roles and the associated permissions within Boardable
Group Roles and Permissions: learn about the different types of roles within a group and the permissions associated with each role