Goal and Poll Reports

Learn how to review poll activity and goal progress, for Organization Admins only.


I. Goal Reports

II. Poll Reports

I. Goal Reports

Goal Reports are available through the Reports menu, which can only be accessed by Organization Admins (Administrators). They provide data regarding logged Goal progress. The following information is included:

  • Amount

  • Person responsible

  • Progress date

  • Memo

To view and download Goal Reports:

  1. Click Reports from the left main navigation menu

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  2. Click Goals from the Reports page

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  3. Keep the default of All Groups, or click this drop down to select a specific group

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  4. Click the Report Type drop down

  5. Click Progress

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  6. Keep the default time range of 30 days, or click this drop down to select Click 30 Days, 90 Days, Year, or All Time

    1. Year and All are supported for Enterprise and Professional accounts only

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  7. Click Run Report

    1. Goal report populates beneath this

    2. To sort report, click arrows next to desired sorting property, from:

      1. Goal title

      2. Person responsible

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    3. To download

      1. Click Download CSV to download the list displayed

      2. The CSV file is saved to the downloads folder on your device

II. Poll Reports

Poll Reports provide data regarding closed polls (polls whose deadlines have passed). Reports cannot be generated for open polls.

The Poll Reports page is available through the Reports menu. This can only be accessed by Organization Admins (Administrators). There are two downloads available:

  1. Multi-poll list including the following information:

    1. Title

    2. Due date

    3. # Assigned

    4. # Voted

    5. Completion %

  2. Poll-specific report including the following information:

    1. Members invited to vote

    2. Vote completion

    3. Their votes, if any

To view and download Poll reports:

  1. Click Reports from the main menu panel

  2. Click Poll Reports from the Reports page

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  3. Select the appropriate options from the top portion of the page

    1. Group
      Click the drop-down to select a specific group's meetings— the default is All Groups

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    2. Report

      1. Click the drop-down

      2. Click Completion

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    3. Time frame

      1. Click 30 Days, 90 Days, Year, or All Time

      2. Year and All are supported for Enterprise and Professional accounts only

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  4. Click Run Report

    1. Multi-poll report populates beneath this

    2. To sort report, click arrows next to desired sorting property, from:

      1. Poll

      2. Due date

      3. # of Assignees

      4. # of Votes

      5. Completion %

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  5. To download list displayed, click Download CSV

    1. The CSV file is saved to the downloads folder on your device

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  6. For a poll-specific report

    1. Find the desired poll in the list and click View

      1. This option is only supported for polls whose answers are not anonymous

      2. poll-specific report pops out

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  7. To download poll-specific report, click Download CSV in pop out window

    1. The CSV file is saved to the downloads folder on your device

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