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[Release Notes] - The NEW Boardable

Find all the information you need on our biggest update yet!

Operations Team avatar
Written by Operations Team
Updated over a week ago

Boardable has a new look! With this product release, we’ve completely updated Boardable’s user interface in order to make the easiest even easier. In addition to a smoother, sleeker, more consistent user interface, the platform itself has been updated and reimagined. Some of the most impactful improvements both enhance Boardable’s functionality and simplify the user experience.

  • New Dashboard design that makes it easy to immediately see and access Groups, Meeting RSVPs, Discussions, and more

  • Improved Document Center features and functionality including better sorting, full-screen document views, and improved download options

  • View and edit Dropbox and Google-linked documents from directly within Boardable

  • The Meetings Page has improved how users are able to join a meeting, sort documents, and view comments, and also allows agendas and supplemental documents to be added to a public meeting page, among other changes

  • Minutes is entirely new with a full-screen view, enhanced editing capabilities, new formatting options, new copy/paste functionality, and an improved PDF view

  • Groups pages now allow a custom cover photo and has several icon options to choose from

  • Documents attached to discussions will open in a new tab, allowing for the full document viewing experience

  • Selecting multiple members on the People page will trigger the ability to send invitations to the selected members

  • Improved Reporting views

  • Backend architecture has been streamlined to minimize lag time

Product Walkthrough

Groups, Documents, and Meetings

Admin Experience

Board Member Experience

Here’s What’s New


  • Up to 4 Groups are easily accessible from the dashboard

  • RSVP to meetings on the dashboard

  • See or preview your discussions list, and see your read and unread messages


Document Main Page

  • “Default Sort” is much more prominent, and if an administrator reorders their documents, they will be notified that their Default Sort has changed. Additionally, “default sort” has an information icon that, when clicked, provides an explanation.

  • The following sorting options are now available:

    • Default Sort

    • Name (a-z)

    • Name (z-a)

    • Newest to oldest

    • Oldest to newest

Document Detail View

Boardable Documents

  • All documents can be viewed in a full-screen experience

  • On the left side of the screen, there is a “Thumbnail” view where users can jump to any page of the document.

  • Comments/Notes are now added to the annotations feature. Drop a comment in a specific spot on your document to communicate and collaborate.

  • Activity within the document is shown on the right-hand side; all annotations and notes can be seen here

    • Users can comment and thread replies on annotations and notes

    • Users can mention other people “@name” in these comments and they will receive a notification (in app and email)

  • If a document is a PDF, you can download with or without annotations included

  • If a document is not a PDF, you can download it as a PDF with or without annotations, or in its original file format without including annotations

Linked Documents

  • Dropbox and Google-linked documents can be viewed and edited directly within Boardable

    • Permissions are set based on the settings in Dropbox/Google

    • Onedrive documents cannot be viewed in Boardable and will continue to work as it has in the past.


Meeting Detail View

  • The “Send a message” feature is now referred to as “Email attendees” to make it clear what action you are taking.

  • The “Send Update Notifications” is now referred to as “Re-send meeting invites” to make it clear what action you are taking.

  • The “Join Meeting” button will now link to the video conference (Spotlight, Zoom, third party) instead of Spotlight.

  • Easily copy and share this video conference link

  • Documents tab: admins may customize the “default sort” just like in the Document Center

  • Comments are now always visible when looking in and working on a meeting, and are located on the right side of the screen. Comments also allow users to mention others, react to messages, and add attachments.

  • The Public Meeting page allows for the addition of an agenda and supplemental documents and is viewable in the standard Boardable document view interface even when not logged in. Users may download it from this page.


  • Minutes view is entirely new, and now appears as a full-screen experience with a more document-editing feel

  • New formatting options:

    • Table block: users may now add a table to minutes

  • Attendance block: users may take attendance in the minutes

    • Attendance features 2-way sync between the minutes and the Meeting Detail page

    • Attendance in the minutes will also sync with reporting

  • Task block: tasks assigned in the meeting minutes will now appear on the assignee’s Task page

  • Copy/paste functionality has been added to the minutes

  • Easily grab, move, and delete text or blocks

  • The Minutes PDF view will mirror the styles and formatting created in the Minutes editor, including page numbers

  • The new Minutes experience will also be available in Spotlight


  • Customize a Group Page by adding a custom image for the cover, or by selecting from available illustrations

  • Customize the Group’s icon by choosing from 16 icons available, and 8 colors


  • Documents that are attached to a discussion comment will open in a new tab, and appear in the Boardable document view interface as described above


  • Selecting multiple members from the list on the People Page will trigger a small action area at the bottom of the screen, with an option to send invitations to the selected users, or cancel


  • For Administrators, the Reporting Page now has convenient tabs allowing the user to tab through various reports (People, Meetings, Polls, Goals, Discussions) without needing to navigate to a new page for each report

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