To let meeting invitees see a video conferencing option and an in-person meeting location:
Navigate to Create a New Meeting menu (to learn how to do this, please see Related Articles)
Click the field beneath Web Conference to drop down options
Click the desired video conferencing component from these options
Type desired meeting location in the Location text box
Click Continue
Add desired participants
Click Save
Related Articles
Create a Multi-Day Meeting: learn how to create a multi-day meeting in Boardable for retreats, conferences or any meeting that spans more than one day
Create a Recurring Meeting: learn how to create a recurring meeting in Boardable for quarterly meetings or any regularly scheduled meetings
Create a Find a Date Meeting: create a meeting by sending out date and time options to the invited members, collect availability, and determine the best meeting option
Create a Single Date Meeting: learn how Organization Admins, Members, and Group Admins can create a meeting for a single date
Add Video Conferencing to a Meeting: quickly add a third-party remote option (i.e. Boardable Spotlight, Zoom, etc.) to your meeting
Publish a Meeting: learn how (and what it means) to publish a meeting to the calendar only and learn how to fully publish any Boardable meeting
Edit a Single or Multi-Day Meeting: learn how to edit meeting information for a single date or a multi-day meeting in Boardable
Edit and Understand Recurring Meetings: Learn how to edit all dates. or a single date, within a recurring meeting series, and learn more about working with recurring meetings.