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Meeting Lists

Learn how to view a list or calendar grid of meetings via Boardable

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over 2 months ago


I. Introduction

There are several ways to view Boardable meeting dates and titles:

  • Via the invitee's personal calendar program

    • For published meetings which the viewer is invited to

    • This option can be used by members, observers, admins, and guests

    • For more information on this, please see Related Articles

  • Via the home dashboard

    • For meetings which the viewer is invited to

    • This option can be used by members, observers, and admins

    • For more information on this, please see Related Articles

  • Via the Meetings directory

    • This option can be used by members, observers, and admins

    • For members and observers, only meetings the viewer is invited to are listed

    • For admins, all meetings in the organization are listed

  • Via the Boardable calendar grid

    • This option can be used by members, observers, and admins

    • For members and observers, only meetings the viewer is invited to are included

    • For admins, all meetings in the organization are listed

This article can help use the last two options.

There is no unpublished meeting list. A meeting may have sent or unsent invites, and published or unpublished materials. Regardless of the status of these items, all meetings are sorted in to an Upcoming, Past, or Deleted list.

To learn how to read invite statuses or materials publication statuses, please see Related Articles.

II. Upcoming Meeting List

The Upcoming Meeting List provides members and observers with a list of future meetings they've been added to.

The same list provides admins with a list of all future meetings, including those they are not invited to.

This list includes the following details for all meetings which are later than the viewing date:

  • Meeting title

  • Meeting date, if set

    • Represented in text, and in a calendar icon

    • No date listed for find-a-date meetings

  • Meeting time, if set

    • No time listed for find-a-date meetings

  • Groups added, if any

  • Admins, observers, and members invited, represented by their profile pictures

  • RSVP field for viewer, if invited

Meetings which are on or before the viewing date are not included in this list.

To navigate to this list:

  1. click Meetings on the main menu panel.

    1. List opens, beginning with meetings closest to the viewing date

      1. List order of find-a-date meetings uses the earliest date option

    2. To scroll to later meetings, click page numbers or at the bottom of the screen

    3. To use RSVP field:

      1. Click RSVP to drop down options

      2. Click option, from Yes, Yes — Remote, Maybe, and No.

        • RSVP is updated

III. Past Meeting List

The Past Meeting List provides members and observers with a list of current and past published meetings they're invited to. This includes both meetings which are fully published, and those which are published via save-the-date.

The same list provides admins with a list of all current and past published meetings in the organization, including those they are not invited to.

This list includes the following details for all meetings which are on or before the viewing date:

  • Meeting title

  • Meeting date, if set

    • Represented in text, and in a calendar icon

    • No date listed for find-a-date meetings

  • Meeting time, if set

    • No time listed for find-a-date meetings

  • Groups added, if any

  • Admins, observers, and members invited, represented by their profile pictures

To navigate to this list:

  1. Click Meetings on the main menu panel

  2. Click Past

    1. List opens, beginning with meetings closest to the viewing date

      1. List order of find-a-date meetings uses the earliest date option

    2. To scroll to earlier meetings, click page numbers or at the bottom of the screen

V. Deleted Meeting List

The Deleted Meeting List provides admins with a list of deleted meetings.

This list includes the following details:

  • Meeting title

  • Meeting date, if set

    • Represented in text, and in a calendar icon

    • No date listed for find-a-date meetings

  • Meeting time, if set

    • No time listed for find-a-date meetings

  • Groups added, if any

  • Admins, observers, and members invited, represented by their profile pictures

To navigate to this list:

  1. Click Meetings on the main menu panel

  2. Click Deleted

    1. List opens, beginning with earliest deleted meetings

      1. List order of find-a-date meetings uses the earliest date option

    2. To scroll to later meetings, click page numbers or at the bottom of the screen

VI . Calendar Grid

The Calendar Grid provides a calendar view of published meetings.

This view includes the following details:

  • Meeting title

  • Meeting date

To navigate to this view:

  1. Click Meetings on the main menu panel

  2. Click Calendar

    1. Calendar view opens

    2. To scroll between months:

      1. Click the → button to look at later months

      2. Click the ← to look at earlier months

Related Articles

  • Calendar Event Notifications: Automatically send meeting invitations and changes as calendar events

  • Home Dashboard: Learn how to use the home dashboard

  • Meeting Roles and Permissions: Learn about the different types of meeting roles, such as Collaborator, and the permissions associated with that role

  • Send Meeting Invites: Learn how to send meeting invitees email invite notifications.

  • Create a Scheduling Poll Meeting: Create a meeting by sending out date and time options to the invited members, collect availability, and determine the best meeting option.

  • Send Meeting Invites: Learn how to send meeting invitees email invite notifications, and how to read invitation statuses of meetings.

  • Publish Meeting Materials: Learn how to release agenda, board packet, and meeting documents to invited members and observers.

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