Timezones in Boardable

Learn how display times are converted across timezones


I. Personal Timezone

II. Organizational Timezone

III. Meeting Page Timezones

IV. Calendar Event Timezones

V. Agenda PDF & Board Packet Timezones

I. Personal Timezone

Each user can select a timezone in their settings. This setting determines the timezone displayed by the platform, including meeting times.

To update a personal timezone:

Click your image (at the top, right of the page) to reveal the drop-down menu

  1. Click the profile picture or grey silhouette at the top right side of the page

  2. Click User Settings from the options this drops down

  3. Click the Settings tab from the center of the page

  4. Click the field beneath Timezone to drop down options

  5. Click the desired timezone from the options this drops down

  6. Click Save

II. Organizational Timezone

The organizational timezone is the default personal timezone for new users. This can be set by organizational admins only.

All users added to the organization after an organizational timezone is selected see meeting times converted to this timezone until and unless they select another in their user settings.

This can be set in organizational settings.

To set an organizational timezone as an admin:

  1. Click Settings on the leftmost, main menu panel

  2. Click the field beneath Default Timezone for New Users to drop down options

  3. Click desired timezone from this dropdown

  4. Click Save

III. Meeting Page Timezones

Each meeting can have a timezone set during creation.

This selection does not determine the timezone displayed to viewers on the platform. Instead, meeting times are converted to the personal timezone set in the viewer's user settings.

For example, if a meeting is set to begin at 2:00 PM CT, a meeting page visitor whose personal timezone is EST sees a 3:00 PM EST start time.

These conversions ensure that each meeting page visitor sees the correct time for their timezone.

To set a timezone for a meeting:

  1. Open the New Meeting form

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click the field beneath Timezone to drop down options

  3. Click the desired timezone from these options

IV. Calendar Event Timezone

The timezone displayed on calendar events for Boardable meetings is that used by the external calendar program of the invitee.

This timezone can only be updated in the external calendar program's settings. It cannot be changed using the Boardable platform.

V. Agenda PDF & Board Packet Timezones

The meeting creator's timezone determines the time stamps shown on agenda and Board Packet PDFs.

It's possible for this not to match the timezone selected in the meeting's settings, or in the viewer's settings.

For a timezone to be used in an agenda PDF, the meeting creator's user settings must be updated to list this timezone. The meeting creator's timezone can be updated as described in section 1.

Related Articles

  • Create a Single Date Meeting: learn how Organization Admins, Members, and Group Admins can create a meeting for a single date.

  • Create a Multi-Day Meeting: learn how to create a multi-day meeting in Boardable for retreats, conferences or any meeting that spans more than one day.

  • Create a Recurring Meeting: learn how to create a recurring meeting in Boardable for quarterly meetings or any regularly scheduled meetings.

  • Agenda — View and Print: learn the options to view an agenda, and how to print it.

  • Organization Settings: discover how Settings gives you access to Default features for: timezone, agenda list styles, agenda templates, and delete agenda template.

  • User Settings: learn about personal profile settings, options available (ie contact info, login, notifications, timezone) and how to connect a Zoom account.