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View User Settings

Learn about personal profile settings, options available (ie contact info, login, notifications, timezone) and how to connect a Zoom account

Written by Jocelyn Gombos
Updated over a week ago


I. Access User Settings

Click here for a product tour of user settings.

To access user settings;

  1. Log in to Boardable

  2. Click your image (at the top, right of the page) to reveal the drop-down menu

    1. Click User Settings

  3. The Settings page displays with the following tabs at the top:

      1. Selected by default (as shown by the line below it)

      2. Includes detailed contact information and image

      1. Includes timezone, language, notification frequency, additional email addresses, and meeting reminder options

      1. Includes log in email address, password, and two factor authentication

      1. Connecting a Zoom account

II. Profile

The Profile tab within User Settings provides access to update the following:

  • Shared Info

    • Includes Name, Board Role, Board Term, Title, Company, and an About section

      • About section does not support parentheses; adding these characters—( and )—will prevent a successful save

        • Instead, use brackets: [ and ]

  • Contact Info

    • Includes Email Address, Phone Number, as well as profile URLs for Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

  • Profile Image

    • Change the image displayed on your profile

  • Location

    • Only Organization Admins have access to this information

    • Includes Address and phone

  • Pronouns

    • Choice of: none, she/hers, he/him, they/them, and other

    • When other is selected, pronouns can be written in

    • Selection made here is parenthesized beside the user's name in the People Directory

  • DEI

    • Includes Race, Gender, Education, Age, and Date of Birth

  • Custom Data Collection

    • Information requests set by admins in Organization Settings

To update profile data:

  1. Click Profile on the Settings page (default selection when opening)

    1. Click the Shared Info tab (default selection when opening Settings)

      1. Update any desired information and click Save

    2. Click the Contact Info tab

      1. Update any desired information and click Save

    3. Click the Profile Image tab

      1. Click Choose a new image

        1. Explorer or Finder will open to choose an image

        2. Navigate to an acceptable image and open it

        3. The image will be displayed (if new) or replaced (if changed)

      2. Click Remove Image to remove the image

    4. Click the Location tab

      1. Update the desired information and click Save

    5. Click the DEI tab

      1. Update the desired information and click Save

    6. Click the Custom Data Collection tab

      1. Update the desired information and click Save

III. Settings: Timezone and More

The Settings tab provides access to update the following personal settings:

  • Timezone

    • This controls the timezone in which meetings are displayed and created for you personally. If the setting is Eastern, the meeting will appear on the calendar in Eastern time, even if it was created by a user on a Pacific or Central timezone

  • Language

    • This is the language selected for your personal settings

  • Notifications

    • Controls frequency of email notifications about organizational content (including discussions, polls, and tasks)

    • Lets editor add email address(es) for receipt of these notifications

    • Does not determine frequency or receiving address for meeting invite or update notifications

      • Meeting invite and update notifications are sent immediately

      • Meeting invite and update notifications are sent to the login email address only; for more on this, please see Related Articles

  • Meeting Reminders

    • Determines how often, if at all, meeting reminders should be sent (options include Never through up to 5 days before a meeting)

      • With any option other than Never set, reminders are sent for all meetings the person is invited to; this includes meetings for which a No RSVP is submitted

To update the above settings:

  1. Click Settings from the Settings menu

    1. Click the drop-down menus for options on Timezone and Language and choose the desired option

    2. Choose the desired frequency of all Notifications from Boardable

    3. Additional email addresses for notifications

      1. Type email addresses separated by commas

      2. Note that these are additional email addresses, in addition to the log in email address

      3. These addresses can be utilized to send notifications to an additional personal email address or to notify an Administrative Assistant

    4. Click the drop-down menu for options on Meeting Reminders and choose the desired option

Important Note: Please note that additional email addresses for notifications should be different than the log in email address. If it is the same, the user will get duplicate email notifications.

IV. Login and Password

The Login and Password tab allows access to update the following:

  • Login Email Address

  • Update password

  • Enable two factor authentication

To update login address and password:

  1. Log in to Boardable

  2. Click the profile picture or grey silhouette from the top right side of the screen

    1. Click User Settings

    2. Settings menu opens

  3. Click Login and Password from the Settings menu

  4. Make desired changes to the fields below:

    1. Login Email Address

      1. This will change the email address used for logging in to Boardable, please be sure of this change - only users can update their login email address (Admins will not have access to this)

    2. New Password

      1. Enter a new password and repeat to confirm

      2. Please refer to Related Articles if password is forgotten

    3. Click Save

    4. Click Enable two factor authentication for additional security

      1. Please refer to Related Articles for more details on 2FA

V. Integrations and Zoom

The Integrations tab provides access to the ability to connect a Zoom account.

To access integration and Zoom:

  1. Click Integrations from the Settings menu

  2. Click Connect under Zoom to create a connection to the Zoom account that may be used for Boardable Spotlight meetings

    1. Follow the prompts

    2. Please refer to Related Articles for more detailed information on connecting Zoom

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