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Admin Meeting Page Overview
Admin Meeting Page Overview

Learn the details available from a meeting page

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over a week ago


I. Introduction

Meeting pages can be viewed by the following users:

  • All organization admins

  • Invited members and observers

These pages let admins, members, and observers view meeting information and materials while logged in.

To learn how to navigate to the meeting page, please see Related Articles.

II. Meeting Details

The Meeting Details field provides the following information:

  • Date

  • Time

  • Link to video conferencing component, if any

  • Dial-in phone number and PIN, for meetings which use Boardable Video

  • Invitees, divided by Boardable users and guests

To view these details:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click View Meeting Details beneath the meeting title

III. Invitees

The Invitees tab provides the details below:

  • Boardable users added to the meeting

  • Guests added to the meeting

  • Invitation status

  • RSVP status

  • Attendance

To learn more about sending invites, please see Related Articles.

To view this field:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Invitees from the menu on the left side of the meeting page

IV. Materials

The Materials tab provides the following content:

  • Board packet (for Professional organizations)

  • Agenda

  • Meeting documents

Before this content is published, it's visible only to the following roles:

  • Admins

  • Meeting creator / owner

  • Meeting collaborators

People with these roles are listed at the top right side of the Materials tab.

After this content is published, it can be accessed by all admins, observers, and members added to the meeting via the Materials tab. Please know that some of this content is accessible to guests via the Boardable Video Conferencing screen.

To open the Materials tab:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Materials from the menu on the left side of the meeting page

To learn how to publish meeting materials, please see Related Articles.

V. Minutes

The Minutes tab provides an editable view of Minutes to the following roles:

  • Admins

  • Meeting creator / owner

  • Meeting collaborators

After Minutes are published, they can be viewed by all Boardable users added to the meeting via this tab.

Minutes publication status is listed on the tab heading at the left side of the meeting page.

To open Minutes:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Minutes from the menu on the left side of the meeting page

To learn how to start, edit, or publish Minutes, please see Related Articles.

VI. Summary & Recording

The Summary & Recording tab provides the following content:

  • Meeting recordings (for meetings which are recorded; available to Professional and Enterprise organizations only)

  • Meeting transcripts (for meetings in organizations with this feature enabled; available to Professional and Enterprise organizations only)

  • Meeting summaries (for meetings in organizations with this feature enabled; available to Professional and Enterprise organizations only

To access this content:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Summary & Recording from the menu on the left side of the meeting page

To learn more about meeting recordings, transcripts, and summaries, please see Related Articles.

V. Public Page

The Public Page lets admins, meeting creator / owners, and meeting collaborators enable or disable the following features:

  • Public meeting page

  • Public meeting dashboard

To learn more about these features, please see Related Articles.

To access the settings for these options:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Public Pages from the menu on the left side of the meeting page

VI. Tasks & Polls

The Tasks & Polls tab lets admins create polls and tasks assigned to all meeting invitees, and lets invitees view these.

To learn how to create tasks and polls from a meeting page, please see Related Articles.

To access this tab:

  1. Navigate to the meeting page

    1. To learn how to do this, please see Related Articles

  2. Click Tasks & Polls from the menu on the left side of the meeting page

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