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Create a Find a Date Meeting
Create a Find a Date Meeting

Create a meeting by sending out date and time options to the invited members, collect availability, and determine the best meeting option.

Phoenix Robertson avatar
Written by Phoenix Robertson
Updated over a week ago


I. Add Meeting

As an Organization Admin or Member (users with Account Role of Administrator or Member), follow these steps:

  1. Click Meetings in the main menu panel

  2. From the Meetings page, click + Add Meeting

As a Group Admin (also available to Organization Admins or Members), follow these steps:

  1. Access the group's Group Page in one of the following ways:

    1. Click My Groups from the main menu panel to show the drop-down list of personal groups, then click on the appropriate group's name

    2. Click Groups from the main menu panel (not available to Observers) to access the list of current groups within the Organization, then click on the appropriate group's name

  2. From the group's group page, scroll (if necessary) to the Meeting section and click + Add Meeting

The New Meeting page will be displayed:

II. New Meeting Form

After clicking + Add Meeting, the New Meeting page will display. Meetings default to a single date meeting. Fill in the details for the meeting:

  1. Title

    1. Enter the title of the meeting; once saved, New Meeting will be replaced with this title

  2. Video Options

    1. There are four video options; Spotlight is selected by default; click the appropriate option for this meeting

      1. Spotlight: Boardable's Spotlight Video conferencing

      2. Zoom: Boardable Spotlight with Zoom (integrate Zoom)

      3. Custom: Provide a link to invitees for another video platform (including Zoom if not integrated)

      4. No Video: not a video conference

        • When No video is selected, Remote RSVP can be disabled

  3. Location

    1. Add a physical address for the location of the meeting if applicable

    2. Add conference call information if applicable

  4. Description

    1. Enter meeting description to include on both the meeting page and the agenda PDF

  5. Meeting owner

    1. Select the user whose name should be listed in the body text of meeting invite emails; for example, if "Menodora Devi" is selected in this field, invite emails for the meeting include the text Menodora Devi has invited you to a meeting...

  6. Meeting Type

    1. Meetings will automatically be selected as Single Day and can be changed to Recurring, Find a Meeting Date, or Create Multi Day Meeting below

  7. Date

    1. Enter the desired date for the meeting - click in the Date box to view a calendar and select a date

  8. From and To times

    1. Click the down arrow to open the drop down and select your time

    2. After entering the from time, the to time will automatically default to 1 hour later - adjust as appropriate

  9. Click Continue

    1. This will navigate to the next page to invite users

  10. Assign Groups

    1. Clicking in the box displaying "Type a person's name" will open the drop down list of selectable groups. Clicking on a group is a quick way to select multiple people; multiple groups can be selected to increase the meeting invite list

    2. The list of individuals within the group will appear in a People list on the right; the list will grow as additional groups are selected - to remove any individual from the meeting invite, click the X across from their name

  11. Assign Individuals

    1. Click on the box that says Type a person's name and begin typing an individual users name.

    2. Continue this process for each individual to add

  12. Add Guests

    1. Click Add Guests at the bottom of the page to open the pop up and enter their information. Click Add Guest. Guests will appear at the bottom of the page in their own Guest list

    2. Continue this process for each guest to add

  13. Save

    1. Click Save to save the meeting details - this will then display the meeting page with the title of the meeting at the top

III. Find a Meeting Date

Find a Meeting Date provides the ability to offer multiple meeting dates and times to meeting members invited to the meeting. This enables the meeting organizer to collect availability and then select the date / time that works best for the group.

Note: if a single date meeting has been created, find a date can still be utilized. Go to the meeting page, click Edit Meeting Info, then click the Use the Scheduler tab and follow the instructions below.

To enter the date / time portion for Find a Meeting Date or Use the Scheduler:

  1. Click the Find a Meeting Date tab for new meetings (or Use the Scheduler tab for meetings already saved and being edited)

  2. By default, there is only one option to fill in - enter dates and times for those options in the box provided

  3. If more date / time options are desired, click + Add date

  4. Continue to click + Add date for as many options as desired

    1. Click the x to remove an additional option added in error

  5. Continue to fill out the rest of the Meeting Form

IV. Send Date / Time Options to Invited Members


  • In order for invitees to view date options, the meeting must be published via either Save the date or Full meeting

  • Only organizational users can view and vote on date options on the meeting page or via email notifications

  • Guests cannot view or vote on date options

  1. Click Publish meeting once meeting page opens after saving

  2. Click Save the date to fill the checkbox next to this

  3. Click Publish

    1. Meeting invitees can now see the meeting options on the Boardable platform

    2. To notify invitees of these options via email, also complete steps 4-6

  4. Click Email attendees on the meeting page

  5. Enter an appropriate message in the box provided, ensure that Everyone is checked for notifications, and click Send

    1. Invitees receive an email containing the following

      • The body text "Please review the dates below and respond with your availability."

      • List of date options

      • Link to Respond with availability in Boardable

      • Button to View meeting

        • Clicking either option opens the meeting page, where invitees can complete scheduling poll


V. Select a Final Date

When all invited admins, members, and observers have submitted their availability, the meeting creator is notified via email:

To make one of these options the final selection:

  1. Navigate to the Boardable meeting page

  2. Click View scheduler responses

    1. Menu pops out showing number of votes for each option

      1. Hover over the number across from the date / time options to view the individuals that selected that option

  3. Click Select next to the final desired date

    1. To choose another date not previously proposed to invitees:

      1. Type desired date and time beneath Choose a different date

      2. Click Select next to this option

    2. Selected date is shown at bottom of pop-out window

  4. To add an event for this meeting to invitees' calendars, fill the checkbox next to Notify meeting members of selected date?

  5. Click Select chosen date

  6. The date and time for the meeting is now set to the option selected during step 3; Boardable meeting page updates to reflect this

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